2020 in Review


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Staff member
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Winder, GA
It's been a trying year for lots of folks. We have been lucky. The wife and I both turned 68 this year. She is in real estate administration and was offered a corporate position in her company that allows her to work at home rather than commute to an office. I still work part time delivering automotive parts to commercial customers. We have both managed to stay healthy this year, but have limited our travel pretty much to the grocery store and immediate family. All of our kids and grandchildren have also stayed healthy, including our oldest daughter, who is a nurse.

We have done very little fishing this year. The lake we normally fish was closed down till mid June and when it reopened was overrun been young kayakers and paddle boarders. Unfortunately they seem to travel in herds and will tie up the launch for 30-45 minutes at a time.

We have a few other lakes that are total electric, are farther from UGA that we are going to try this year that don't allow gas motors on the boat, so I will be pulling the Honda off and installing the 55lb. Minn Kota power drive bow mount on the john. It just got delivered and I haven't even taken it out of the box yet. I will update my boat project when I get it installed.

I hope everyone has a great New Years Day.
Nothing really changed for me.

I am a farm manager, we sold our last crop of calves in January before the market tanked. Won't have any more ready to sell until June. I've been going to work every day like I always have.

The boss, his friend that was visiting, his wife (all in their 70s) and two coworkers caught Covid in November. They all got over it without hospitalization, but it was a pretty rough couple weeks.

I dodged the bullet somehow and didn't catch it.

I had been contemplating going back to school, had been on a break, but Covid pretty well sealed the deal on that. I won't go back until things have stabilized, and I can save a little more money, if I do at all.

I didn't fish as much during the spring and summer. The fishing pressure was insane because people were not working, every weekend was like July 4th or Memorial Day, it was even busy during the week. Many ramps were full on weekends. It was even busier than normal throughout the fall.

I've been out a few times, I love fishing in the winter, but the days are so short that it's hard to get away early enough to make it worthwhile.
I didnt get out much last year at all.

The wife has hand troubles which she went in for surgery on and I dont think I put one day of work in on my own boat.

Plywood prices were so high that I just waited things out and I did a lot of work for other people on their boats and motors.

The day job has been stable through all this, and with working 6 days a week and working on other peoples stuff there wasnt enough time to fish unfortunately.

The extra money was nice and afforded me some cumstom stuff for my new truck and and also a Humminbird side scan for next year, so there's that.

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