That 'LokTite Marine PL' adhesive/sealant says it is paintable. On paper it looks to be as good as LifeCaulk or 5200 but says it is a 'polyether' base sealant whereas the other 2 are 'polyurethane' base. A chemist I'm not ... even if I slept at the Holiday Inn last night.... I just had never heard of it and have no experience with it, but again - it looks good on paper. I have a friend who's a Sales Rep for LokTite, I'll ask him for a comparison to LifeCaulk and 5200. Just be sure to etch and prime any area, even if just vinegar washed, before applying the goop, as some sealants do attach bare tin.
That 'LokTite Marine PL' adhesive/sealant says it is paintable. On paper it looks to be as good as LifeCaulk or 5200 but says it is a 'polyether' base sealant whereas the other 2 are 'polyurethane' base. A chemist I'm not ... even if I slept at the Holiday Inn last night.
... I just had never heard of it and have no experience with it, but again - it looks good on paper. I have a friend who's a Sales Rep for LokTite, I'll ask him for a comparison to LifeCaulk and 5200. Just be sure to etch and prime any area, even if just vinegar washed, before applying the goop, as some sealants do attach bare tin.