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At the last post this is what the boat looked like:

We left off with me and everyone else thinking my skiff needed a rear casting deck. I also decided it needed a very simple electrical system to power a trolling motor and the new GPS/Fishfinder my lovely wife picked up for me as a gift last X-mas (there was substantial “suggestion” as to make and model of GPS/Fishfinder from me).

Let’s start with battery placement. My ass is big; the boat is small so the battery needed to go forward. There was a nice spot where the forward seating used to be under the new casting deck…but it was full of foam. I’m not shy about digging stuff out of boats so I went after it like a Chi Wawa on a pork chop. The finished product looks like this:

And with the casting deck in place:

The split loom in the bottom of the picture will protect the 4 gauge wire from abrasion while it is living in the bilge under the deck piece that is not in place in the picture. The wires run through a limber hole into the amidships seating area that will accommodate passengers on the port side and the electronics area to starboard:

The brown wires lead aft to an 1100 GPH Johnson bilge pump with an integrated solid state water level sensor and the big black and red will go to a trolling motor plug. I still haven’t decided if I will tie the GPS/Fishfinder into this power or use the small sealed lead acid battery I bought for the last configuration of this boat as an independent power supply. This is the scene aft of the electronics area:

The aft casting deck will span the stern of the boat and will be supported by the aluminum framework already in place. You’ll notice a motor bracket…Up and out is good for a shallow water boat and I have a Strongarm tiller extension on order to deal with the offset. I’ll also be adding a grab bar on the aft side of the amidships seating area so I can run the boat like a center console rig.

There will be more to come.
