Looking to upgrade my stock 12V/42# TM and FF/GPS.
Upgrade: 24V/80#/60" with Lithium Batts.
Lithium Batts.....Two 12Vs or one 24V?
Lithium Specific charger?
Purchased a new Lowrance Live 9. Was planning to install at console. Would like a graph at bow.
Perhaps I should have thought about my Live 9 purchase and future upgrades and compatibility with other units...?
Before I purchase another FF, I need to make a decision on direction of brand and compatibility.
Fishing style: Trolling for Stripers and Typical fishing for Bass, Crappie, Bluegill....on So Cal Reservoirs and AZ Lakes.
Minn Kota or Motorguide TM (keeping TM cost under $2500)?
Which FF... are the TM brand specific?
Garmin Panoptix...what does it do?
Do Lowrance and Hummingbird make something similar?
What else am I missing?