Ethanol = I've heard it's bad news but why? Read on..

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
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Gulf Shores Alabama
I've always heard ethanol was bad news but I never really understood why. Thanks to a fella on GCFC in P-cola took the time to piece together some articles and explain why... Thought I would share his post as it was helpful for me.

Kenny Mann
Emerald Coast Marine LLC

My Article on Ethanol
This is my written article on Ethanol, this is my opinion only, and does not represent any legal, moral, medical, or ethical warranties, some of this was copied and pasted from the internet and not my nomenclature, again this is my opinion only.


What is it and why the hell are we using it.

It all started with the Clean Air Act of 1981, the federal government mandated they quit using Lead in the fuel as an Octane enhancer. The way to do this was to blend the fuel with an Oxygenate. the Oxygenate choice was MTBE,

What is MTBE?

MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) is a chemical compound that is manufactured by the chemical reaction of methanol and isobutylene. MTBE is produced in very large quantities (over 200,000 barrels per day in the U.S. in 1999) and is almost exclusively used as a fuel additive in motor gasoline. It is one of a group of chemicals commonly known as "oxygenates" because they raise the oxygen content of gasoline. At room temperature, MTBE is a volatile, flammable and colorless liquid that dissolves rather easily in water.

Why is it used?

MTBE has been used in U.S. gasoline at low levels since 1979 to replace lead as an octane enhancer (helps prevent the engine from "knocking"). Since 1992, MTBE has been used at higher concentrations in some gasoline to fulfill the oxygenate requirements set by Congress in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. (A few cities, such as Denver, used oxygenates (MTBE) at higher concentrations during the wintertime in the late 1980's.)

Oxygen helps gasoline burn more completely, reducing harmful tailpipe emissions from motor vehicles. In one respect, the oxygen dilutes or displaces gasoline components such as aromatics (e.g., benzene) and sulfur. In another, oxygen optimizes the oxidation during combustion. Most refiners have chosen to use MTBE over other oxygenates primarily for its blending characteristics and for economic reasons.

What are the oxygenate requirements of the Clean Air Act?

The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAA) require the use of oxygenated gasoline in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution. The CAA does not specifically require MTBE. Refiners may choose to use other oxygenates, such as ETHANOL

Now on with the Problem with Ethanol

Ethanol is a very good cleaner and it is more attracted to water than gasoline, here inlies the problem, Ethanol blends good with gasoline, but it like water more, and because all marine vessels fuel cells are vented to the atmosphere the Ethanol has a very good source of water to absorb and a .05% it will Phase Seperate,

What is Phase Seperation

Phase Seperation is the action of Ethanol Absorbing to much water and because water is heavier than fuel when this occurs it falls to the bottom of the fuel cell. thus taking all the ethanol with it.
this lowers the Octane level of the fuel and becomes very corrosive. and this is what is killing our engines and fuel systems.

There is no magic chemical or additive out there that can battle Ethanol.. what there is are some chemicals that have more corrision inhibitors and rust inhibitors and they do help. the best solution is to filter, filter, filter, and to avoid ethanol staitons.

Recommended to keep the gas tank as low as possible when not in use. 10 gallons of gas has roughly one gallon of Ethanol. Run a fuel water separator filter and change it every 6mon's, 50hrs.


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we see this all the time at our shop(atv). drain some fuel from a tank and there will be massive amounts of water in it.
This is what I've been saying all along...the only thing I was wrong about was the chemical name of MTBE....I called it methyl tributyl ether....close enough.

Anyhow, as far as that picture of the corn cob in the gas tank, I can think of a better place to shove a corn cob, like in the orifice of all these granola-munchers who think they're saving the planet with their electric cars (you still have to plug it in to charge it....guess what...that comes from coal or nuclear's that hopey-changey electric gerbil wagon workin' out for ya?) No thanks, I'll stick to my gas guzzling least if I get in a wreck, unless it's with an 18 wheeler, I'll walk away from it. If the other guy doesn't, that's his problem....he shouldn't have bought a roller skate on wheels (smart car)

Or better yet, shove that corn cob into a certain orifice of the politicians who are holding a gun to our heads, forcing us to burn our food supply in our gas tanks while killing our fuel systems, driving up the cost of fuel, as well as the cost of food with corn products.

Supposedly, the reason for switching to ethanol was because MTBE from leaking storage tanks contaminates ground water. Well, WTF?! :? Why not just put the tanks above ground, with a catch basin around them? Then, it's easier to inspect the tanks for leaks, it's easier to repair or replace them. Nah, that makes too much sense, doesn't it? #-o
PSG-1 said:
I can think of a better place to shove a corn cob, like in the orifice of all these granola-munchers who think they're saving the planet with their electric cars.......

[-X [-X [-X

I think you're a little off on the granola people. You really want to know who is behind the ethanol requirements, check out how much Monsanto gives to the ag lobbysists to regulate ethanol, and it just so happens that they are the #1 supplier of GMO corn.

Just wait 'till they own the patent on human genes, you'll be partially owned by Monsanto :shock:
And here's another valid question......if it costs more to produce ethanol fuel than MTBE fuel, why are we paying more at the pump for the non-ethanol fuel? Gouging, plain and simple.

I recommend testing any non-ethanol fuel you buy, to make sure you're actually getting what you're paying extra for. There have been some unscrupulous gas stations that sell ethanol fuel as non-ethanol.
PSG-1 said:
There have been some unscrupulous gas stations that sell ethanol fuel as non-ethanol.

I went to a gas station years ago as a kid with a 1gal milk jug. According to the pump I had exactly one gallon though my jug was hardly 3/4 full. Yes I know milk jugs aren't safe to transport fuel. At this time in life it was imperative the dirt bike had gas. None the less when I asked the clerk they just shrugged.. So either the dairy is generous and over fills or my local gas station was skimming...hmm.
sixgun86 said:
PSG-1 said:
There have been some unscrupulous gas stations that sell ethanol fuel as non-ethanol.

I went to a gas station years ago as a kid with a 1gal milk jug. According to the pump I had exactly one gallon though my jug was hardly 3/4 full. Yes I know milk jugs aren't safe to transport fuel. At this time in life it was imperative the dirt bike had gas. None the less when I asked the clerk they just shrugged..

LOL, that's a pretty funny one. Got one better, though. Shortly after I met my girlfriend about 16 years ago, we were riding down the road in her truck...and she had (and still has) a habit of running vehicles on fumes. Anyhow, we ran out of gas about a half mile from the nearest gas station.

We walked there, and the plan was to buy one of those small 1 gallon plastic fuel cans and put some fuel in it, then walk back and put gas in the truck. Oh, but it would make too much sense for this particular gas station to have a few of those little cans on the aisle where they have oil,etc.

It didn't occur to us to buy a gallon jug of water, dump it, and fill that with fuel. :roll: #-o

So....and, I kid you not.....we grabbed a 'big gulp' cup, went out to the pump, and filled it to the top (which, at that time, was 52 cents), and put a lid on it. Managed to hitch a ride with somebody, (probably a good thing, my guess is that cup would have melted by the time we made the walk back to the truck) then we put the gas in it, and drove to the station.
fuel today just isn't flammable. Today I pulled a spark plug from a atv, the plug was wet but a lighter wouldnt light it on fire.
I have been burning E-85 ethanol in my pickup last couple months. Even since price of gas jumped up to $4 range. I have been still been able to get e-85 ethanol for $2.49-$2.69. I get only around 1 to 1.5 mpg difference. Save lot of money able to go fishing more. :D
My boat though I use only straight gasoline with no ethanol.
Wallijig said:
I have been burning E-85 ethanol in my pickup last couple months. Even since price of gas jumped up to $4 range. I have been still been able to get e-85 ethanol for $2.49-$2.69. I get only around 1 to 1.5 mpg difference. Save lot of money able to go fishing more. :D
My boat though I use only straight gasoline with no ethanol.

$2.69 a gallon for E-85??

And yet, non-ethanol fuel, right now, is selling for $4.09 a gallon where I live. Raping and gouging by the oil companies, plain and simple.

About a year ago, I started rolling my own cigarettes, because I got tired of paying 6 dollars a pack. Rolling my own, I pay about $1.25 a pack. I save about 150 dollars a month. (Guess they can find another sucker to help finance Obammy-care, 'cause this one ain't gonna do it any can call me a tax evader if you want, because I'm dodging cigarette taxes)

Now if I can just figure out how to make my own gasoline, I'd never have to bend over and take it up the tailpipe at the gas station ever again. =D>
sixgun86 said:

I thought thing like that only happened in Alabama. I guess SC isn't a far cry away, lol.

LMAO, and the scary thing is, people like us are smarter than most of the drivers on the roads here in SC. (Remember, this state is 49th in education....despite having an 'education lottery' :roll: )
MOE said:
PSG-1 said:
'education lottery'
Is that where you have to win the lottery in order to get an education? :lol:

LOL, no, it's a state-run lottery, and the revenue generated from it supposedly goes to education funding. (Then WTF is SC 49th??)

The only 'education' a smart person will gain from the lottery is the education of the best way to double your money....and that's to fold it in half, and stick it back in your pocket!!

I've never spent one red cent on the SC lottery....I'm boycotting it. Why?

Because, one of the things they did before they created the lottery, was to outlaw video poker machines in SC.....on the pretense that "children were going hungry because mommy and daddy were blowing all their money in the poker machines" (Never mind that people with addictive personalities are going to blow their paycheck gambling, whether it's a poker machine, the lottery, or horse betting) BTW, video poker in SC was a 2 billion dollar a year industry...but I guess the revenue generated from the fees and licenses for the machines wasn't enough for those greedy money wh0res in Columbia....they wanted to get rid of that competition, and only have the lottery, so they're making ALL the money, not just some licensing fees.

I see people going into the gas stations to buy lottery tickets, then they go out to their car, play them, go back in the store and buy some more, and they repeat this process several times.

When we did have the poker machines here, I would occasionally put a few bucks into them, and every once in a while, I'd win. That's a game of skill. The lottery is a game of chance, the odds are always stacked against you.

Sorry for the rant! :p
PSG-1 said:
Wallijig said:
I have been burning E-85 ethanol in my pickup last couple months. Even since price of gas jumped up to $4 range. I have been still been able to get e-85 ethanol for $2.49-$2.69. I get only around 1 to 1.5 mpg difference. Save lot of money able to go fishing more. :D
My boat though I use only straight gasoline with no ethanol.

$2.69 a gallon for E-85??

And yet, non-ethanol fuel, right now, is selling for $4.09 a gallon where I live. Raping and gouging by the oil companies, plain and simple.

About a year ago, I started rolling my own cigarettes, because I got tired of paying 6 dollars a pack. Rolling my own, I pay about $1.25 a pack. I save about 150 dollars a month. (Guess they can find another sucker to help finance Obammy-care, 'cause this one ain't gonna do it any can call me a tax evader if you want, because I'm dodging cigarette taxes)

Now if I can just figure out how to make my own gasoline, I'd never have to bend over and take it up the tailpipe at the gas station ever again. =D>

It was at that price for quite awhile. Now it's around $3.19 and 10% ethanol gas is $3.34-$3.49, reg $3.95
Here's link where one can find gas prices in your area and across country.

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