Experiment in tin boat polishing, using Harbor Freight junk


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[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=356152#p356152 said:
great white » 17 Jun 2014, 17:42[/url]"]All aluminum will polish up nicely.

We used to polish the CT114 Tutor training jet when I was working on them way back when. The flight line was a dazzling line of shiny mirrors all summer long. You could tan just standing next to one!

But, we ended up having to stop polishing them when it was discovered that the constant buffing resulted in the aluminum becoming thinner and thinner (remember that we measure with micrometers, not rulers). They let them oxidize to the dull aluminum color (AL oxide) and then it stops.

Eventually, they were all painted silver with what we called "Mach 1 paint" since it would hold on at 400 KIAS.


I wonder if any of the boats here reach Mach 1?

I'm a LONG-TIME member of https://www.fiberglassics.com, which is "the home turf" of the REAL fanatics in restoring FG/tin/wood boats & even the fanatics will tell you that the "fully polished aluminum classics" are NOT "using boats" AND they take a LOT of time-consuming handwork to keep looking that way for antique boat shows.

Fwiw, I much prefer "perch-jerking", putting out/running set-hooks, jugging & trotlining in freshwater and "live-lining BIG baits" for gamefish out on the salt to doing unnecessary "for looks" maintenance on my boat. Therefore, my "new to me" 1959 LONE STAR 16ft SKIPPER will be painted WHITE with RED trim & not a square inch of polished metal in sight.
My 1957-58 HOLMES of HOUSTON 18ft GULF FISHERMAN "woodie" will have the same "semi-gloss" varnished finish (when it is completed) that Robert Cecil Holmes intended it to have as a "dedicated fishing boat for the Texas Coastal area".

yours, satx
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=356692#p356692 said:
New River Rat » Yesterday, 14:16[/url]"]I foresee a LOT of blinded fish being simply plucked up because the glare burnt their retinas.......



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