For Walmart out of stock stuff, I've ordered online with delivery to the nearest store for pick up. That might be an option for your 2 stroke oil.
Your boat registration fee is higher than ours, though our governor tried to increase some of the boat registration fees by 400% in this year's budget. I'm not sure where that stands, but suspect it didn't happen because I haven't heard anything new about it. Car registrations can be put on hold if the vehicle is non-operational. California, and it sounds like NJ, does not allow boat registrations to lapse because of non-operation. So even if the boat sits the annual registration is required. Let it lapse and back registration is due, like the position you find yourself in.
We also have to pay an unsecured personal property tax on boats (a "luxury tax" in reality). Mine is over $200 per year. Last time they tried to increase the value of my boat to 24% more than I paid for it in 2018. They said because of market conditions. I challenged and got a reduction. Ba$tard$ are out to grab money anywhere they can. Current thinking seems to be everyone should be happy living hand to mouth.
I went and ordered oil from Walmart last week, but after two weeks the CC payment was refunded or dropped and when I got to the site now it reads 'Sorry this item is out of stock online'.
They dinged the card, held it for a week then dropped the order without any notice.
Now when I search it its gone completely under the same number and they show a DFI/TC-W3 oil now but its also showing Out of Stock Online.
The store has neither on the shelves. They have no 2 stroke oil at all, but the empty shelf says they had it for $28.58/gal. at one time.
My guess is they're about to jack up the price when it comes back in stock, if it ever does, so they won't put it on back order at the old price.

Our only 'property tax' is on our house and property but we pay sky high car insurance and home owners insurance.
The latest thing is homeowners insurance companies refusing to insure a property with a boat, diesel truck, any trailers, or outbuilding, or any place without a full security system.
I got dropped again this year because my house has iron drain pipes and copper plumbing. They only allow PEX tubing I've been told. Another one dropped me for not having a new roof, telling me that they won't insure a roof older than 5 years old. Mine is 11 years old with a 50yr shingles. I've been here for years with no issues all of a sudden I can't get insurance.
The same with my trucks and cars. I sold my motorcycle because they wanted $2,300 for liability only, but all years prior were never over $150 for the past 18 years. No insurance company will insure any house with a dog for any amount of money.
When it comes to property tax they keep increasing the size of my house on paper, hey have it nearly double the actual size and their argument is that its up to me to prove them wrong.
They did it about 6 years ago and I had to hire an attorney to fight it, now they changed it back and refuse to change it. They're arguing with me about the exterior foot print of the house. They somehow can't read a tape measure. we were told that property taxes and assessments are going to double over the next three years. Two of the largest homes on the street just sold, one at $145k the other at $185k both are larger than mine and on double lots. My house is 800 sq ft. Those were 1,400 and 2,200 sq/ft and multi story homes.
Right now the measurement they keep telling me is larger than the lot width in either direction. No house in this neighborhood is that big.
A few years ago they tried to ban boats here, they tried to force everyone to pay for storage or put them in the garage. Not everybody has a garage and it turned out that a relative of the mayor then owned the four local boat storage facilities.
More on topic here, I just saw there's a few older motors on cl, the pricing just 4hrs away is way different.