My plan:
1)transom replacement/modification- My transom flexes when underway. The transom is solid and not rotting; it does not have anything attaching the lower part of it to the back of the hull and or floor. I would appreciate any input on this
2)Decks- The previous owner and the owner prior to him used treated 3/4" ply for decks. I'm planning on a front deck out of 1/2" ply coated in spar urethane with steel framing 2x4s for horizontal framing and spar urenthaned wood 2x4s for vertical support. I will be placing a 1/2" ply mid deck floor on top of foam board laid between the ribs. I have not yet decided if I will be placing a back deck; I will be at least carpeting the back seat.
3)Trolling Motor Mount- I need ideas for a new trolling motor mount
4)Trailer bunks- Currently treated 2x4s with carpet. I'm thinking of removing the carpet and placing plastic lattice strips on the treated lumber. Alternatively I'm considering replacing the treated lumber with sparurethaned 2x4s and carpeting them. I would appreciate any input on this.
I already have the metal framing 2x4s, lattice, spar urethane, and outdoor carpet, so in the interest of cost savings, I am pretty set on using these materials.
The boat could use paint, but I'm going to save that for next year, I need to get her on the water for the spawn! :lol:
If I am overlooking anything on this build please let me know! I would appreciate any and all input. Thanks in advance.