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Getting there.. SLOWLY. Here are a couple pix. Several more have been uploaded to the album you can access via the link in my original post.

I pre-drilled all of the holes in the wood slightly larger than my rivets, then put two coats of epoxy on all sides of every pieve. Then I sanded the top side of the epoxy because there were a few drips that dried hard. Sanding Epoxy makes me realize how tough this stuff is. I also thought the contact cement would better adhere to the epoxy sanded vs. glossy. Anyway.. I wrapped the first two pieces of floor in vinyl and got them installed. I shot some Lexel caulk/sealant into the rivet holes as extra insurance before installing the rivets. The edges of the floor will be hidden by trim pieces once the build is complete (hopefully by next weekend... my wife's patience is running thin  [-X ).

I think I'm going a little over-kill on the weather/water proofing especially since this boat lives in the garage but I figure if I don't have time to do it right the first time, I definitely won't have time to do it again and I'd prefer to not do it again.

I'm in town for work this week so I should be able to get a couple hours of progress in a couple nights after the kids are in bed.
