Jon boat restoration

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Apr 3, 2014
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So this is my first post on this site...I recently bought a old 14 Jon boat with a 25 evinrude and a trailer and I'm looking to restore it. The first thing I did was fix the leaky rivets and now I'm looking to paint it a nice camo. The boat now has a lot of old paint peeling off so I was going to sand it all the way down to the bare aluminum. If I do this will I need a primer? And what paints do you recommend because I don't want it to look like the typical cheap spray paint job and I want it to last. also I want to paint the motor as well but I don't know how to do it where it will look good and last. The picture is what I'm trying for. Thanks for the help in advance ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396572343.266629.jpg
On bare aluminum you first need a base coat of self etching primer then primer then top coat. Thinned Rustoleum with enamel hardener added gives good results.
[url= said:
Tylertamburo » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:23 pm[/url]"]So what your saying is I'll need a etching primer and then a primer and then the first coat?
What about the's a 1969 and it still has the original paint. Do I need to sand it to paint as well
[url= said:
Tylertamburo » 05 Apr 2014, 22:42[/url]"]What about the's a 1969 and it still has the original paint. Do I need to sand it to paint as well
Original vintage look can be cool. You don't have to paint it unless you want to.
[url= said:
Tylertamburo » Yesterday, 20:42[/url]"]What about the's a 1969 and it still has the original paint. Do I need to sand it to paint as well
If you want to paint your motor and have it last (not peel off) ;
Clean all the area to be painted of any old grease/dirt/oil with a degreaser and pressure washer/steam cleaner or what ever method you have available that does a good job. Depending on how good you want your paint job to look, sand any chips in the old paint until the edges are feathered enough that you have a smooth transition from painted surface to bare metal. Crisp edges of chipped or flaking paint will stand out badly with new paint over them. Next you want to wipe the entire surface down with acetone and a clean lint free rag. Mask off any areas you don't want to get paint on. Spot spray any bare metal areas with self etching primer. After that dries spray your top coat / clear coat and you're done.
[url= said:
Tylertamburo » 06 Apr 2014, 18:49[/url]"]So what does self etching primer do exactly
it chemically etches the metal creating a surface that the primer can stick to better. then the paint sticks to the primer.

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