Beagler; I too, had a boozer for a father, and he wasn't a nice one. It's no fun, as a young teen, to watch your father literally chase two of his daughters out the door in a drunken rage, at different times. Mom finally showed him the door when I was about 15 or 16. It took me a long number of years to finally realize that he did teach me something.About the time I hit 25, I realized he taught me what kind of a person NOT to be. (I don't drink to this day.)Roger
Beagler; I too, had a boozer for a father, and he wasn't a nice one. It's no fun, as a young teen, to watch your father literally chase two of his daughters out the door in a drunken rage, at different times. Mom finally showed him the door when I was about 15 or 16. It took me a long number of years to finally realize that he did teach me something.
About the time I hit 25, I realized he taught me what kind of a person NOT to be. (I don't drink to this day.)