Mercury 9.9 2-stroke idle specs?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2017
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I'm working on my 1986 Mercury 9.9 2-stroke and trying to nail down the specs for RPMs at Low Idle, High Idle, and WOT.

I see in the Service Manual, under General Specs, that WOT should be 5000-6000 RPMs.

I also see that "Idle RPM (in forward gear)" should be 600-700 RPMs. Is that with the idle knob adjusted all the way slow, or all the way fast?

My idle was pretty rough, so I went through everything and ended up adjusting the cam follower on the carb (white "shoe" on side of carb). Mine is the old design that looks like it could be prone to slip. It definitely made the engine run faster and smoother, although I did not measure with the engine in forward gear so I will need to repeat the procedure. In neutral I had a high idle of 1260 RPM and a low idle of 785 RPMs. I will put it in the tank today to measure again.


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