Need help with a 6hp Johnson.

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Uniontown, Ohio
I bought a boat earlier this summer, it came with an older 6hp Johnson, guy I bought it from had it maintenanced every year. He even started it in front of me in a bucket- it ran perfect. I basically use my new 55lb trolling motor on the boat which is great for the 12' size, but in 2 weeks I got a big fishing trip planned on a huge lake with some friends and thier boats, I wanna use my 6hp on the trip. I got the 6hp out today and started it up, it runs great but- one problem, as soon as I push the choke in, it wants to stall? Any suggestions would be great! Thanks D.
The fuel/oil left in the carb may have seperated causing the the carb to gum up. The first place to start would be cleaning the carb. You can take it off and disassemble it to clean it, or you may be able to get by with running some Seafoam through the fuel system. Seafoam works better than any fuel system cleaner I have ever used. It will even clean carbon deposits in the head if used in higher concentrations.
Thanks bro! I'll give it a try, I know nothing about outboard motors, but it does seem like a fuel intake based problem of some kind. Hopefully this works! I see they have it at most auto parts stores, how much is a can? I'll stop and grab some this week. Thanks again! D.
Iv'e been looking online and most info suggests to clean the carbs or get a carb rebuild kit. I'll start with the Seafoam - I'll keep ya posted! Thanks again D.
if it will only run choked it means its running lean. if cleaning the carb doesnt help, check for vacuum leaks (bad gaskets). spraying brake clean on the gaskets wile its running is a quick tip. if she revs up or bogs down you've found your leak. just dont go overboard, the brakeclean will eat ur gaskets away (and paint)
Ok fellas got home tonight with some sea foam (aeresol) cleaner, sprayed the **** out of the carb intake with it, put a little in the fuel hose, it finally stayed running without the choke on (its progress!) When I go to rev the throttle handle faster it just boggs out, but it stays running if I hurry and put the throttle handle back to start position. I guess I'll check for leaks next like Loggerhead Mike suggested? #-o D.
still may need a carb cleaning
may be a peice of rust or dirt that the seafoam can't remove
Could be Zum, My problem is that I don't know anything about 2 cycle outboards, I'm afraid if I try and take apart the carb, I'll mess something up big time (hell honestly, I'm not sure exactly where the actual carberator actually sits and how to take it apart) I just sprayed the Sea Foam in the little valve that flips open, I'm assuming this is the carb intake? LOL! I think this winter I'm gonna try and get some new parts or kits online and a manual and totally rebuild this thing with help from some friends, seeing these motors are so damn expensive new, plus I love the "nastalgia" that its an old early 60's model Johnson (older than me). To replace this motor with a new Briggs and Stratton 5hp is around $1300. I'll keep toying with it, it Idles perfect so its something hopefully minor. 8) D.
Briggs for 1300. run away, run away fast from that price.
find smeplace closing out and snag yourself a display for cheap.
take the top cover off and look at your fuel line. it goes straight into your carb. you may have to take the front faceplate off wich should be held with screws from the bottom. after thats off, your carb should be held on with 2 bolts. you may have to play with the throttle to get the linkage out of the way to get the carb out. once its out flip it upside down and remove the bowl. this should be held on by 1 bolt. carefully take it off and try not to hit the floats or let them bounce around if you turn it back over (they're set to a certain level) make sure the needle jet doesnt fall out below the float. once the bowl is off just spray carb cleaner in all the little holes you see in it. this should do you fine without completely disassembling the carb. if you do take the carb off make sure you replace the gasket (you can by a sheet of gasket material at autozone, and just lay it over the carb and get a penny and rub it down and it will make a perfect trace. a hole punch works good for cutting out the bolt holes

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