I'm bettin' you're liking that 70-300. I took a look at one before I ord'd the 55-200, but the 70-300 was out of my budget, lol.
I hardly recall what my settings are either. However, if you're using Nikon's ViewNX, when you hover your mouse on a photo thumbnail it will show the settings in a small pop-up window in the left of your screen (at least that's where mine shows, lol). I got out today and went looking for barns/buildings, and saw a couple, but no way to get to them, si I ventured to city park. Posted one of the shots as my second entry in the current contest thread. Used the 55-200 with a polaarizing filter and the lens hood. First time I've used the hood and I think it helped considering how bright the sun was today, and I was out during mid-afternoon. I took 37 shots today, and only like (sorta) about 5 of 'em. :roll:
Thanks for the compliment, but mine happen purely by chance. You should see the ones I delete :shock: