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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2013
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San Antonio, TX

I really NEED photos and/or a factory brochure for the 1956 CADILLAC aluminum boats line, so that I can restore my "new to me" DOLPHIN 14 to "factory stock".

Any help will be appreciated.

yours, satx
[email protected]
Google Images help?

1956 CADILLAC aluminum boats

How I wish that it was that EASY! = "Google images" is NOT suitable for such research as those groups of images are FREQUENTLY filled with errors of fact.
(For example, "google images" identified one fiberglass hull as a 1953 GLASTRON. - Glastron wasn't even incorporated until 1956 & the first Glastron hull was built in the Spring of '57. The hull identified as a "1953 Glastron" was a STARCRAFT!!!)

THANKS anyway but I need PERIOD photos in color or a FACTORY brochure before I spend a pile of $$$$$$$$ on re-finishing/re-upholstery.
( has no color photos of 1956 Cadillac boats.)

yours, satx

YEP, the search goes on. = ONE of the challenges that face restorers of antique/vintage/classic boats is trying to find FACTS about companies that are "long gone", so that one can restore them correctly.
("Fixing-up" a boat is relatively simple, when compared to a restoration.)

THANKS, satx
Try I did not see your model but they also have a forum that might be worth looking around. Be sure to post some pics of your boat. Those old runabouts are cool. I own a 1961 Sea King PDUT-14 built by Arkansas Traveler. It's the same model as their DUT-14. Still looking for more info on mine but Montgomery Ward records are almost non existent. My boat had been converted into a fishing boat long ago but the hull is still stronger than the average 14ft v hull. I wish you the best of luck with finding info as I know how hard it is.

Fyi, I'm a longtime member of FG & we have NOTHING but one small advertising piece (in B&W) on the 1956 Cadillac aluminum boats.

That's why I'm asking for help here.

THANKS, satx
Can you post a picture of what you have so we have a base line to go by?

When I actually have the boat/trailer here at home (It is currently about 25 miles from here & I must first try to get the trailer registered/licensed & 2 tires bought & mounted.), I'll have photos made.

yours, satx

You may want to look at the you-tube video at: as it LOOKS LIKE my "new to me" 14 foot tin ski-boat. - It MAY BE a CADILLAC DAYTONA, though mine shows no signs of ever having the wood "planks" on the aluminum bench seats NOR shows any signs of ever having had any seat upholstery.
(For example, there are NO screw holes in the aluminum bench seats.)

A few questions for "readers":
1. Does anybody have a list of "model designations" OR have any color photos for Cadillac Marine & Boatworks?
2. Do any of you KNOW if Cadillac ever painted their boats and IF they did paint any of their boats, what was the "color scheme"?
3. Were "seat backs" available from the factory in 1956 (as an accessory) AND if they were available, what did the "seat backs" look like?
4. Which company (or companies) provided the steering wheels to Cadillac?
(This hull has what seems to be a "period" steering wheel but it is BADLY deteriorated, with cracks & missing "pieces".)
5. Which company would you use, if any, to restore a period steering wheel?

This boat is really "Plain Jane" & looks like what was called a "runabout utility", when I was a lad in the 1950s.

Note: One reason that I'm asking these questions is that I'm "a bit of a fanatic" about the CORRECT year/style OB to "match" the year model of my boats & I have located a 1956 Evinrude 30HP Lark motor that is "restorable"/reasonably priced, IF the hull is actually a 1956 model.
(Yes, I know that many people don't care about the matching of hull to OB.)

THANKS for reading this thread.

yours, satx
I don't mean to be rude satx, but before embarking on this strict period correct restoration did you not think to do the necessary research to see if it is even possible?

This forum seems more geared towards the do-it-yourselfer who wants to convert their tinboats into something of their own. Not trying to detract from what you are doing but this forum more than likely does not hold the answers you are looking for.

May I make a few comments, which I hope you won't take offense to?
1. NO, I didn't do ANY research prior to buying the little runabout, as I had to make a "snap decision" to buy/not buy the hull/trailer, due to its EXTREMELY low price.
(The asking price was so low that I could sell it by the pound as scrap metal for about twice what I paid.)
2. AFTER the purchase, I found out that Cadillac tin runabouts are QUITE SCARCE in "restorable condition", much less in the overall very good condition that this one is.
3. I have "access to" most any year OMC "BigTwin" outboard, to match by year to ANY hull from 1955-1970, through a TEJAS Chapter, AOMCI friend in Houston but I need to know for SURE which year that the hull is.
(He has probably at least 300 "BigTwins" in his collection, including a FEW new-old stock OBs and at least 2 "matched pairs" of every year "BigTwin" ever made for sale/trade.)
4. I suspect that I'm not the only "tinboat restorer" on this site & further suspect that you've made few friends among "restorers" with your post above.
5. When one is seeking "difficult to find information', it pays dividends to ask LOTS of people in numerous places, as someone LIKELY knows the information.
6. You might consider consulting the message immediately to the right of the logo on the "home page" of this site.

just my opinion, satx
1. NO, I didn't do ANY research prior to buying the little runabout, as I had to make a "snap decision" to buy/not buy the hull/trailer, due to its EXTREMELY low price.
(The asking price was so low that I could sell it by the pound as scrap metal for about twice what I paid.)

Thats all you had to say to answer my question. Best of luck finding your answers! If not, you can always sell it for scrap.

IF you had said nothing at all (in your first response) , it would have been far better for everyone here. ======> The "old saying" that, "IF you cannot say something nice, remain silent." comes to mind.

just my opinion, satx
satx78247 said:
3. I have "access to" most any year OMC "BigTwin" outboard, to match by year to ANY hull from 1955-1970, through a TEJAS Chapter, AOMCI friend in Houston but I need to know for SURE which year that the hull is.
(He has probably at least 300 "BigTwins" in his collection, including a FEW new-old stock OBs and at least 2 "matched pairs" of every year "BigTwin" ever made for sale/trade.)

I think I know this gentleman. He has a place 1 block from my shop. I believe it is on Starr ln.
I may have a motor or two for him.

I really LIKE your avatar!!!!

SORRY, it was working FINE when I posted the link. = Once I get the Cadillac tinny home, I'll get my daughter to take/post photos of stem/stern/port/starboard/interior.
(I have NO camera & don't know how to post pictures either.)

ADDENDA: I tried the link too & it didn't work for me either BUT put: "A look inside a 1956 Cadillac Daytona aluminum boat with a Johnson Javelin" in the search bar & it pops right up.

yours, satx

What kind of OB do you have for sale? - I just might be interested in them, IF my friend (TT) is not.

yours, satx
Dear friends,

I found the information that I needed to correctly restore my "new to me" 1956 Cadillac Marine & Boatworks Model 114 "tin utility" entitled, SUCCESS: I FOUND the CADILLAC MARINE & BOATWORKS EXPERT.
(Those who are interested in what I found out may want to look in THE BOAT HOUSE section, as I see NO good reason to post it in 2 threads.)

IF you need information, ask LOTS of people in LOTS of places. - SOMEBODY will likely KNOW the answer(s).
("Color me" both LUCKY & PLEASED.)

yours, satx

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