I just got this boat, must be old no h.i.n. looks like an old smoker or maybe mirro. But honestly I am just now stepping into boat world so I have no idea. I'm hoping you savy gents can help me out
Econ is the brand. I used to see them pop up on occasion when I lived in PA. Most were mid to late 60's models.
I had a 12 footer for a while there with a covered bow area with two bench seats, It had the forward bench but it was covered by the bow plate.
It had a simply rope and pulley steering set up with an early 60's Mercury 4hp on it. I bought it at a yard sale down here the PA/WV line back in the mid 90's. I left it for the new owner's kids to have when I sold the place and moved. It never left the boat docks behind my house there. I'd pull the motor off, hang it up in the outhouse and flip the boat over up on shore for the winter.
I've seen a few others for sale on occasion up that way too. I sort of always just figured they were either a department store brand or they were possibly just a short lived company.
The style of the hull and how the seats are made likely eliminates any of the larger brands.