Just to give a quick update. Progress has been slow. My 2 boys have been sick and my 2 year old has been insisting to help me with this project. So I’ve spent more time working with him than doing work on the boat.
Anyway we managed to cut the seat out and install the hatch. On the inside I planned on making a panel to put along the side of the seat it was going to be spaced about 1 inch away from the aluminum. I planned on having the charger and fuse panel on one side and running my wires in the void of the panel. This meant drilling the board.
So I got it all done, sealed the wood, installed in the boat, charger and fuse panel in place , all drilled ready to wire. I stepped back to admire my work and then realized it looked like a piece of Swiss cheese. There were to many holes and I felt that it would be the most likely spots for the wood to rot.
So I didn’t like my work. I took it all apart got rid of that piece of wood and now I’m going to restart.
So new plan is to bolt the wood pice directly to the aluminumno gap. Obviously I’ll seal the wood first and then mount everything to the board and just run the wires on the board.
Does anybody see a problem with my new plan or have a better ideal. Keep in mind I’m trying to do this on a small budget.
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