Depending on your motor, SS may or may not be worth it. I generally have not worried about SS on my smaller boats. Why?
That being said, I must confess... On my 16' Princecraft, I tried a SS prop I had laying around, and it made an INCREDIBLE difference with the 50 Evinrude.
I went from EITHER having a good holeshot, maxing out at about 26 mph OR having a terrible holeshot and maxing out at about 30 with different aluminum props. Then I put on the SS. I felt an amazing holeshot, and she powered up to 39 MPH and still climbing. WHAT??? Only porpoising stopped me from breaking 40. It gave me better holeshot, better midrange, and a much higher top speed. Didn't matter how many people on board, either, it ran great. I had accidentally found the "magic prop" for that rig.
That was by far the most dramatic difference a prop has ever made for me. On my bassboats, a prop could mean a 3-4 MPH difference, but this was simply incredible.
I hope you can find the magic prop for your rig, or at least one that runs great on your boat.