Ok, I have a tiller steer boat. I just bought a lowrance Elite fs7 for it. I am on the fence of where to mount it. I will not use it for marking fish, just for depth reading, and for the GPS mapping/navigation.
1) Port side, right across from me when operating tiller. - seems really comfortable to view me, and most boat brands have them designed to mount here. - seems to make no sense for naviating with the GPS/mapping, as the Map won't be straight on, where the boat is heading?
2) Starboard side in front of me. (I sit on starboard Side to run tiller) - Seems fairly comfortable to view for me, definitely not awkward, but not as natural as port side. - seems to make most sense for navigating with the GPS/mapping, as it's a straight on view, in the direction the boat is heading.
Any body with a tiller than chime in on where yours is mounted, and how navigation is?
Thanks fellas. Always appreciated ! D.