Tilt/Trim Switch


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Nov 13, 2012
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The bow platform of my boat has a tilt/trim switch in a small panel that is not hooked up to anything. There are 3 wires running from it and I see them in the bilge area of the boat. Does anyone know where I need to hook these wires into so the tilt/trim switch will be functional again. Any advise would be helpful. The boat is a 1995 Smokercraft Pro-Mag and the motor is a 1999 90 hp Force.
Hi Adam,

Check out the third page of my build. Near the bottom, I provide some details on hooking up a tilt/trim switch. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info. DearJon. I'm still a little confused on how to connect the wires into the relays for tilt/trim. Could you or someone else elaborate on the best way to make these connections?
The red wire is the power to your front switch. It should be connected to the battery with a 1amp fuse near the battery (or wiring bus). The Green and Blue wires are the up and down leads. There should be two relays connected to wiring coming from the tilt/trim pump. You will attach the blue wire to one relay and the green wire to the other. The wires should be attached to the coil side of the relay (contact #85 in the picture). If the motor moves the wrong way when you activate the switch, swap the wires between the relays.

Relay Wiring.jpg

Let me know if you need more info, or if the relays aren't readily accessible. On my '89 Johnson, they were tucked up under the main fuse/electronics panel on the powerhead. The wires were fried, and it was easier to just rewire the whole thing with new relays instead.

Note: I borrowed this image:

Good luck!
Thanks for all the info. kofkorn! If the relay already has a wire going to the contact where I need to run the wires, can I use a "piggyback" connector to attach the other wire?
That's fine, mine has three separate switches (Bow, Throttle, Transom) all attached to the same relays. Just make sure they all are switching to the same lead (+ to +).

Just note that the 85 and 86 connections on the relay are interchangeable. The coil in the relay doesn't care which way the power is run through. So make sure you track down the wire before connecting it. You don't want to attach your switch line directly to the ground connection on the relay, you'll get a dead short every time you press the switch. :)

Good luck!

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