Transducer issues.

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Ozark Foothills of Se Mo
Notice my transducer is popping sounds like an arc and you can actually feel it if you put your hand on it. Depth finder seems to be working like it should, but my question is will this drive fish away? :?:
no it won't scare the fish... that is the actual sonar being sent out and the tick you hear is the return or echo you hear coming back to the transducer

You can hear it because it's not in the water - that's how you know it's working!

If you can hear it in the water, it's still fine. What you are hearing is the return of the sonar. Water is great at sound waves, but it generally muffles it a little bit. The closer you are to bottom, the more clicking you will hear, and the deeper you are, the less returns or echos you will hear.

You can try to turn down your ping speed or sensitivity... but it's workin just fine
just edited my top post explaining a little more

Think about sonar.. it sends a signal out and waits for the echo to return. Some transducers do it, some don't and some just start for no apparent reason. I can hear mine when they are out of water, but I don't hear them at all when they are underwater
Can't hear it in the water. I understand how they work just never noticed an audible tick on them. Well I guess I'll leave well enough alone. And keep fishing. I'll try adjusting the sensitivity and see what happens.

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