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SHOP for insurance!    I started out with Boat US insurance, and after a couple of years, they started jacking up the rate, so I went with Erie and then Travelers.  All of them were great for years, but then they went up.  I went back to Boat US, and they went up again. 

Now, I have bundled my boat with our home and cars with Allstate, and Allstate is the cheapest insurance EVER!  Full coverage, agreed values including trailer with in-water boat towing and roadside assistance included!  I'm thrilled all over again, just thinking about it.

The price was so good that I kept asking the agent to double and triple check the numbers.  They were sure, and I examined the policy with a fine-tooth comb, and it was true.    I don't want to state numbers openly, but it's crazy affordable bundling with Allstate.   

One note... you must speak with an agent who understands underwriting boats, and not just cars.  If they don't, have them transfer you to someone who does, or they will just be confused, not knowing what to do.
