you guy should check this plywood out

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Sep 12, 2011
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chicopee ma
hey guys new to the site i've built sevral boats .I noticed alot of you use exterior grade plywood and coat it with various things. I use MDO plywood 3/4'' for floors 1/2 for panels 3/4 is about $60 a sheet 1/2 about $45 about half the price of marine ply about double price of exterior. it come covered on both sides with a waterproof paper the oldest one i still have contact with is 15 years old only painted and is still in excellent shape this boat is left outside alot of the time.Just thought i would let you guys know about a great product
I got this from a woodworking website:
"MDO Plywood

MDO plywood is a form of overlaid plywood. What this means is that MDO plywood starts with a core of overlapping veneer, much like traditional veneer core plywood. But instead of having a surface veneer of finished woodgrain, MDO plywood features a surface layer of medium density fiber, much like MDF. The result is a sheet of plywood that can typically be used once for forming concrete.

HDO Plywood

HDO plywood is much like MDO plywood, except that the density of the fiber surface layer is much greater. This greater strength means that HDO plywood can usually be reused several times for forming. Thus the density of the surface layer is the distinguishing factor between MDO and HDO plywood."

Here's another link:
thanks for that link im a firm believer in this stuff .When it stops raining here i'll take a few pic of my last project it's a 1981 18' starcraft supersport

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