Chuck Norrris fans

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A few stains and tears on the back??? What was the seller doing that would tear it and stain it on the back and would Chuck approve?
Popeye said:
A few stains and tears on the back??? What was the seller doing that would tear it and stain it on the back and would Chuck approve?
It could be remnants of a homeless guys spleen that the owner round house kicked out of him in an attempt to impress the cut out Chuck Norris....
Chuck Norris would not be impressed.. He likes the homeless...
KVD can kick chuck norris's rear any time any day.

Jim said:
KVD can kick chuck norris's rear any time any day.


That's because Chuck can't catch fish. He gets in a boat, motors over to where the fish are and they all just give up and jump in the boat.
I heard this story a while back and don't know how true it is. Chuck was in New Orleans filming a movie and during a break decided to take a short walk. He sees two local thugs walking towards him and as they come face to face they both pull out knives and demand money. Well the police and paramedics get a call soon after. The first patrol car rolls up and there are two guys sitting on the curb with broken arms and numerous other injuries. The cops see Chuck and can hardly stand up to put the cuffs on the perps. The cop ask one of the guys what they were thinking trying to rob Chuck Norris. The guys says, "heck, it was just a TV show. We thought all that stuff was fake". Yeah, black belts in nearly every martial art you can name.
Some people wear Superman underwear, Superman wear's Chuck Norris underwear.
nathanielrthomas said:
holy crap he really is 71 today..didnt know he was thst old geez

be careful even at 71 he could still round house kick your spleen into the next county leaving a hole in your side that a bass could swim through.