Action cameras of some sort are very popular and well utilized in my other (former) hobby of racing motorcycles. 90% of riders with cameras use GoPros. Any of the other cameras seem to have flaws that become evident when they are abused. You have any idea the vibration you get from a motorcycle running at redline? Or the impact they take when a motorcycle crashes? The GoPros generally keep running with a clear picture and captures the action. I don't use mine much anymore, though I've had it for about 8 years. I just have a Hero2 with none of the fancy features. I use it more often in the boat in its waterproof case mounted to my landing net. I may start using it on ATV trips. If I was really into making videos like I used to be in my racing days, I would certainly get one of the newer GoPros. They actually do have a built-in screen on them now to make them simpler to operate, and are waterproof without a case. If you can afford one, get one of the newer GoPros. I bet those "cheaper" cameras that are being talked about are somewhat equal to the older GoPros, but I'm not familiar with any of them being up to par with the latest that GoPro has to offer. This just goes to show though too that while they will last a long time, they become outdated rather quickly. So maybe a top-of-the-line one is not a good investment over the inexpensive ones.