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I wouldn't worry about what Cody posted. He is a young man with a whole lot of hurt and anger right now and absolutely no way to deal with it. My prayers go out to Cody and his family for this loss and for you two who had to witness this horrible accident.
I dont know what to say... im speechless...

My prayers go out to Cody and his Family, and also to Capt. Ahab and Jim.

if you guys need anything let me know...
I couldn't beleive what I was reading.
I have know words that can help.
My condolences to everyone involved.
My thoughts and prayers are with Cody and his family.
This is awful, my thoughts and prayers are with Cody. I could not imagine such a horrible accident.
:cry: OMG, I cant believe what I just read, my condolances go out to Cody and his family.

Capt. you kept a level head and I'm sure your knowledge of seamanship kept things from getting worse, Thank-you for that.

Mr. Jim, When things settle down a bit I;m sure Cody will realize how lucky he was to have your guys on board, I'm not going to pretend that I know what yous went through but that has to be the most horrible feeling in the world.

Thank goodness the Coastguard responded in a reasonable amount of time, being adrift with the weather worsening and seas rising, well, thank God nothing else happened, you guys are in my prayers and if there is anything I can do please let me know.
I am at a loss of words... I do not think any words could express the feelings I have for Cody right now, and the things you had to experience and see. "I'm sorry" just doesn't feel adequate enough for me... Will be keeping all of you guys in my prayers, especially Cody.
Jim & Capt, Glad you are both alright and very sorry for what you both have been through. My question is, what can we do, as a group, to help this family and show our respect? Seems like we all would like to do a little something just to show we care. [-o<
Sorry to hear about that. It is extremely hard to lose someone so suddenly that was in such good shape. It is going to take a while to to get over the situation, for all involved. I am glad Capt. kept his wits and managed to keep things from getting worse. Keeping Cody busy was probably the best thing to do, with all that was going on. It is a good thing he was not alone with his father when that happened or it could have been much worse. Hysterics can play havoc with your mind.

Thoughts and prayers to all involved.
What a tragic thing. The loss of someone when unexpected can be very traumatic. To couple that with being right there and being unable to save them is nearly beyond comprehension. My prayers go out to Cody and his family and to both you Dave and Jim. Do not try to keep this bottled up. If you need to vent or talk feel free to contact me. I'm a good listener.
I want to thank everyone who PM'd or emailed me. Great to see that we can still turn to people in time of crappy situations. You guys are the best! :beer:
Jim said:
I want to thank everyone who PM'd or emailed me. Great to see that we can still turn to people in time of crappy situations. You guys are the best! :beer:

Same for me - you people are great