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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Quakertown Pa.
First off I would like to apologize to every one here for not participating at all lastly, and would like to thank Jim for his patience. Let me fill you guys in on what has been going down. Just before X-mas I was told over the phone :roll: that I have been laid off. Ok, no problem I under stood, after the first month I was concerned, after two months I became worried and after four months with no job interviews and the felling that the company I have worked for the last 20 years has just put me out to pasture, I became depressed, to the point that I had to get some help. Now here I am almost nine months to the day and I have only had 3 interviews, they all tell me that I am hired when they have the work. That’s nice to hear but it doesn’t pay the bills. Thanks to Career link of Pa I was able to qualify for training, so now I'm back to school :) learning to operate heavy equipment and getting my CDL A. Hopefully that will open some more doors for me. As for the boat, it is in the water but I really haven’t used it much. I know I should get out there to clear my mind from time to time but some days that is easier said than done.

Thanks guys, I’ll try to not be such a stranger.
The CDL will help a lot. There are a lot of driving jobs in my area that are always hiring. I keep my CDL as a backup in case I am ever laid off as a mechanic. I drove for twenty years before getting off the road. I don't plan on ever going back to driving unless I absolutely have to.
No need to apologize my friend, we're not going any where, everyone goes through tuff times, we're here if you need us, we're family, remember? :mrgreen: Glad things are starting to brighten up a little. Dr. Moo says you got to get out on that boat and DAH------FISH a little.
Personally, I don't think apologies are in order. Glad you made it back tho, and best of luck to a speedy opportunity of employment. Sounds like you're doing the right thing.
As others have noted, no apologies needed, hope everything keeps getting better and better for ya!! Great to hear from ya, but for now go out and give em hell and know if ya need us the tinboats.net community will be here for ya!!!!
ditto that. the economy is starting to turn around it will only get better from here, keep your head up

maybe we'll see ya on the ice roads next season?? :mrgreen:
Good to hear you're back and that you're doing something about your situation. Too many people do nothing but complain about how bad off they are, yet do nothing to better themselves.
Thanks guys, I know no apologies are needed but I really hate not earning the money that I have been getting. Ever since I got out of school I have worked 9-10hrs, 6 days a week to provide for my family and now I cant thru no fault of my own. I do appreciate (and need) the money I’m getting but it just doesn’t feel right.

David you got mail :?:
Good to see ya back....and definately happy to hear that your getting some good ole sunshine at the end of your tunnel... =D> ....good luck my friend...
It's good to know that your state has services to help people return to work.I have been out of work for almost 5 years.After the first year and a half I gave up.Now I am a stay at home dad(feels more like a house wife :LOL2: ) and do odd jobs for a little money for bills.I have a two year certificate in industrial maintainence and the school was teaching from obsolete materials.So I never was able to used my certificate.I am glad to hear everything has turned around.A class A CDL will open doors for you.Sending some good Karma your way.
Just joined the board and your post got my attention. I've been laid off since the end of January and know exactly what you are going through and how you are feeling. I look at the bright side and say that it can only get better. I have also been thinking about going back to school but would like to have a job first so I'm still poking in those apps. wherever possible. Good luck on the CDL's and if you need some encouraging advice feel free to pm me. :wink:

John 16:33 Check it out. [-o<
Just an up date. I passed my CDL A this morning. It sure feels good to accomplish something. Tomorrow I start with the heavy equipment and dump truck training. Thanks to everyone for the kind words of encouragement.
That's great news!!

Honestly - we've all been down your road before and know what it's like. Never hesitate to come home (tinboats.net) for some words of encouragement - that's what where here for brother.

Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Keep your head up and your eyes open - good things will come to you if you watch hard enough
DahFISH said:
Just an up date. I passed my CDL A this morning. It sure feels good to accomplish something. Tomorrow I start with the heavy equipment and dump truck training. Thanks to everyone for the kind words of encouragement.

Congrats man! :beer:
Congrats!.. I know how it is to be laid off, I got laid off a job of 8 yrs when the company shut down over the weekend. I had 90 days pay coming to me and luckily, a friend from the local hospital allowed me to do some I.T. contract work upgrading their data center and also doing trouble tickets for endusers that lasted 8 months until I found a stable job with benefits.
DahFISH said:
Just an up date. I passed my CDL A this morning. It sure feels good to accomplish something. Tomorrow I start with the heavy equipment and dump truck training. Thanks to everyone for the kind words of encouragement.

Great news! =D>