My Big Sweeeeeeety

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
Fenton, Missouri
Need to vent/share a bit so I'm doing it here. Hope you don't mind.

I've noticed over the past several days that there are two very large lumps in my dogs neck. I think they are the glands that we have just under our jaw in our neck. They are very swollen, and yesterday, I watched her very closely. Seems to be causing some minor difficulty in breathing. She doesn't want to eat her food as readily either, although this AM she did eat without any problem. My wife is taking her to the vet this AM, but our regular vet doesn't have office hours on Mondays so we are going somewhere else. I've always said that she's just a dog, but I guess I really didn't mean it that way. After all, she loves me more than anyone else does. Talk about unconditional love!

Hope she's going to be okay....she's my big sweeeety!


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Well....this is NOT good news. The vet says she has Lymphoma. Could be about a month before it gets the best of her. My girls are a mess. Everyone is crying. I have a good friend that is an amazing vet. He's out of town right now, but I'll be getting his thoughts later this week. We may have a few options, but I'm not holding my breath.

Pray for my family please, and me too. Looks like we're going to lose our most faithful friend and fishing partner. [-o<
sorry to hear about your bad news ..
They always start off as just dogs but grow to be so much more
We lost our 9 year old golden/lab mix one week ago. Just glad for all the good years. Wish you the best of luck.
Fender, as the Pet thread we have going shows, we have a lot to dog lovers (and pets in general) here on TB and we all know how you feel. If you look up unconditional love in the dictionary I'm sure somewhere it says, see Dog. My heart hurts for you and your family. Will keep you in my prayers.
Sorry to hear it fender! Prayers sent your family's way. [-o<
Thanks guys.....I really appreciate your prayers. More than you can imagine. This place really is FAMILY!
Like everyone else on this site, I too have you and Andi and Sam and Renee in my prayers.. Life is tough sometimes but we are led to believe that the tough times makes us stronger...Holly is a wonderful dog and It has been my privalege to pet her beautiful head.