Poisen oak remidies


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Loggerhead Mike

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2008
Reaction score
franklin, nc
im one of the "look at it and get it" types. when i do get a little spot it spreads over my body threw my bloodstream in a day or so.

do yuns have any magic remidies? i hate paying 75 bucks for a shot in the ***.
i usually keep it covered in calamine, then switch to spraying brake clean or diesel fuel on it at work but it never helps much, just burns like hell

thanks fellers, im itchen for a cure :wink:
here is a few ideas, my experience has always been whatever dries out the rash, and then leave it alone.
I use a combination of Calamine Lotion, Bleach, and a product called Ivy Dry. I alternate between the bleach and the Ivy dry and then apply the Calamine over top of it once it has dried. Below is a link to the Ivy Dry which seems to work pretty well.

I know it sounds crazy, but this works. One time I had it real bad, my dad told me to sit on the edge of the tub and scrub my legs really good with Dial Soap. Scrub it really hard where it breaks the surface of the "poison blisters". Then take hot water mixed with bleach and scrub your legs down with it good. The bleach neutralizes the poison in the sores, helping it heal up. It burns like he**, but do this a few times a day, and it'll clear it up in a couple days.
Bubba said:
It burns like he**, but do this a few times a day, and it'll clear it up in a couple days.

LMAO Of course this works, after dousing an open sore with bleech and water, the mild itching caused by poison oak doesn't seam that bad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha thanks fellers.

i did the soap and bleach thing last summer when i had it really bad. half my arm covered in one big open soar. the bleach works pretty well, i just hate when it gets bad enough taht you scrub off the skin. im headin to the florida beach this weekend and dont need no rash's scaren the women away!

the poisen oak i picked up saturday did come at a good price... caught the biggest crappie to date so far along with abunch more nice'ns. 13" long and a golf ball mouth
BassAddict said:
Bubba said:
It burns like he**, but do this a few times a day, and it'll clear it up in a couple days.

LMAO Of course this works, after dousing an open sore with bleech and water, the mild itching caused by poison oak doesn't seam that bad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not advising anyone to do it, I'm just saying it works if you get desperate. :lol:
man - me and you are in the same boat with poison ivy, oak or sumac.... I've tried everything under the sun... the only thing that works for me is the shot in the butt and that 7 day protozone treatment... believe me, I've tried and I have to get that stinking shot atleast 2 times a year.

I just talked to a buddy of mine who's boss is out because he burned some brush in his backyard... the smoke hit him and he now has it in his eyes.... so just another way to get it if you didn't already know about it.
I used to get it something terrible when I was a kid. I got it from smoke once and had it on every square inch of my body.

I started taking shots to keep me from getting it and knock on wood, I haven't had a serious case of it in almost 30 years. I don't think that they even offer those shots to build your immunity to it anymore but it sure worked for me.

If I get any now, it just makes a small spot where the direct contact was made. OTC Zanfel or prescription Topicort knocks that out almost overnight.
I just talked to a buddy of mine who's boss is out because he burned some brush in his backyard... the smoke hit him and he now has it in his eyes.... so just another way to get it if you didn't already know about it.

that really sucks. my dad had it in his throat one time from burning, i ended up with it in my eyes and on the ole' pecker. still not sure wich was worse

I'm not advising anyone to do it, I'm just saying it works if you get desperate.
after about 2 days it gets bad enough on me that the stinging from bleach or brake clean feels wonderfull just go have that itchen gone for a few minutes
I'm a true beleiver in the bleach method and have used it on my kids. I stayed in the woods when I was a kid and I still remember running about 30 laps around the house after Mom gave me my first treatemnt on my arms and legs, I was about 10 years old. Like stated before, it burns like the dickens, but worked very good. I'll knock on wood I haven't gotten it for a while.
I always end up getting it on my face, and then I get the shot. I manage to keep from scratching it most of the time. No joke, I have a spot of poison ivy on me year round. I hardly ever get rid of it completely. The only remedy I have is to think about how much quicker it will go away if you don't scratch it.
I got the shot three years in a row when i was a kid. seemed to take care of it for several years after. I just started to get it again a few years back, and have had to get Prednasone (steroid pack) for it. This year a buddy got me a product called Rhus Tox. It was three vials that I had to drink on the same day for three weeks. He tried it last year and said it worked. I had a bit of poison when I took my first vial. By the 2nd week my hands were covered which is where I normally get it. Soon after it completely dried up, and I have not been itchy since. I seemed to always have a spot here or there but have none right now. I am waiting to see how things pan out this summer. It was less than 20 bucks and I didnt get sick or anything from it. My wife was a bit leary of me taking it cause it had no FDA approval, but from what I found out is that it is Homepathic and basically like a herbal medicine not governed by the FDA. Blah, blah, blah we'll see how it goes and I'll keep you posted through the thread.
good stuff fellers

its managed go to from acouple bumps on my right forarm to spots all over both arms. once that crap gets in my bloodstream it goes everywhere, even acouple spots on my legs now. ive managed not to scratch any of it but when your arms deep in a motor you cant help but to get scratched up

ive been bleaching it after the morning shower and after the evening shower and keeping calamine lotion in between. a few shots of brake clean when it gets itchy at work also. seems to be drying up quicker than ive ever had it before. im headin to florida for a week vacation friday, so i know whats left will get dryed out with a good sunburn. i have a bad feelin im gona be the whitest guy on the beach friday :mrgreen:
Hey Loggerhead, I bought some stuff at wallyworld too called technu. It is a wash that you use when you know you have come in contact with it. I think it cost a few bucks but something to keep in the pickup, or boat. It also had a bottle of calagel that works to dry it out. It does an excellent job at it too. After you are over the poison, you have to use lotion cause your hands will be cracked and look like they are going to split and fall off. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I work for the cable company so I am constantly getting in it on the sides of roads, easements, and customers homes. My lab also likes to roll in the weeds everytime she gets out of the water and I think I get it from her a good bit also. I think thats how I always hav it on my hands. The stuff I mentioned earlier is also for gettting rid of it. Google it and check it out. Good luck

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