Who is doing a Garden this year?


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Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
Just finished setting mine up. So far we have 2 Thai pepper plants,some onions, 1 Jalapeno, 2 Green Bell pepper, 1 Beefsteak tomato, 2 Better Boy tomato, 1 Husky Cherry Tomato, 1 other kind of Tomato I forgot the name of, 4 pickle cucumber plants and 1 squash.

We will be picking up the rest of the plants this saturday. I am thinking 2 more tomato plants, a zuchini or two, another squash.

We also do a wall of green beans and a bunch of spices.

Summer rules! :D
I tell ya Jim, I can tell I'm getting older because we have an in-ground pool in our backyard and I'd replace that money pit in a heartbeat with a garden if the wife would let me.

When I was growing up my grandfather had a big garden and I loved eating the fresh vegetables that came out of it, but *hated* having to help weed the thing. Now, my grandfather has got to be looking down getting a big laugh at my obsession with weeding.

There's just nothing like fresh food from the garden... it's making me hungry.
Unfortunately, we probably aren't this year due to time constraints. I grew up out in the country, so we had a BIG garden. Over half an acre. Few rows of corn, few of tomatoes, 4 or 5 of beans, pickling cucumbers, squash, zuchini, bell pepper. Some evenings, we would have two full wheelbarrows of just corn.

Then, mom liked to make her own sweet pickles. This recipe takes 3 days to complete, so every few years we would grow the pickling cucumbers, and make one big batch (about 200 full size Mason jars). Whatever beans weren't eaten in the summer were jarred for the winter.

Man, I miss those days, now that I am in the city. Storebought eggs just ain't as good as eggs pulled from the nest that morning.
poolie said:
I tell ya Jim, I can tell I'm getting older because we have an in-ground pool in our backyard and I'd replace that money pit in a heartbeat with a garden if the wife would let me.
Stock it with some bluegill and catfish, and be done with it.

We had a pool at our last house, and I absolutely hated it. WAY too much upkeep. I would just as soon swim in the lake, and do a little skiing while I am at it.
Topsy Turvy!!

darn outside cats and a graden don't mix very well, so I thought I would try and out smart them :roll:
I can't read this thread anymore. I'm suddenly dying for a plate of fried green tomatoes.
I have an area of 15' x 17' tilled up from last years garden. Last year it didn't do well because it had so much shade from the neighbor's Maple tree. They cut that down last fall and now my garden will get plenty of light. Tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, radishes for sure Maybe some green beans too. I have a terrible slug problem though. Last year every bean and every cucumber seedling was gnawed down by them bastages. Didn't get cukes growing until I started them in the house and transplanted them to the gardem.
Tiffany wanted a small garden this year... so she got 2 tomato plants and 2 - 5 gallon buckets and man them things are growing. I know one is a Better Boy, not sure of the other... then we have 4 cucumber vines because she loves putting Locks on them (and I love eating them!)
anybody grow up-side down mater plants? aside from the garden we got probably 10 mater plants growing upside down. just hang um from one of them baskets ( i cant recall the name ) and they'll grow out from the sides and bottoms upside down. beans do well like that too, helps keep the bugs out of them

Jim, id like to go ponder around your garden in a few months. love them peppers!
I grew some tomoatoes in the Topsey Turvey planters when we lived in an apartment. They didn't do for nothin' Ended up getting 3 small tomatoes total between 2 plants. They were a real pain to water until I put them on a pulley system to raise and lower them.
I've got almost an acre planted. I've already have cucumbers out the wazoo, 10 tomato plants (better boy, cherry, and a few other varieties), black eye peas, butter beans, purple hulls, onions, watermelon, squash, and corn. Later on I'll plant peanuts. Also have satsuma trees, key lime, and blue berries. We try to plant one fruit tree each month during the fall and spring.

It's getting hard to plant a large area. Everything is sky high. 13-13-13 fertilizer is $18 per 50#, lime is $14 per 50#'s, and I just bought 2 tons of ammonium nitrate and lime to fertilize the horses pastures MEGA$$$$$

I've tried to explain to my wife that fish heads are one of the best fertilizers and I need more fertilizer so I need to go fishing :D
be another couple weeks before i can plant hope to put in my potatoes next week the apple peach and pair trees are in full bloom hope i get some of the fruit before the deer this year 10-10-10- is 19,00 dollars a bag my grand son ask me last sunday when we were going to plant the cukes grampa i hate the thoughts of all the work to put it in but will be glad i did
Specknreds said:
I've tried to explain to my wife that fish heads are one of the best fertilizers

that is a true story... it's amazing what those things will do to a tomato plant - and cayenne peppers
Just finished planting mine last weekend. Went herring fishing on the Delaware Saturday morning then dug 'em in the garden that afternoon. small garden this year 16' x 16'. I try to plant bush varieties to conserve space. My neighbor & I share so he got the onions, peppers & zucchini. I got the 'maters, eggplant, beans & carrots. We usually get a couple plantings of beans & carrots.
I had a great 20x25 garden at my old house. The new house has none. Only good spot would have no morning sun, only would get sun after 1pm till sun set, TO HOT. So what I did was place 5, 1 cu ft bags of garden soil on a half sheet of plywood; cut an X in center of bag and planted. 1 cherry tomato, 1 big boy, 1 bell pepper, 1 cheyenne pepper, and 1 peter pepper. I started with plants about 6-8 in tall, 3 weeks later and they have doubled in size. I put some wire fence up to keep the dogs out. I had some cherry tomatoes in buckets last year and when they started to get red, my dog would wipe them out.

Fish heads are a great soil additive.
So is Chicken poop! If you want Basil leaves the size of dollar bills, and 2 pound beefsteaks, this is the way to go. Too much will burn your plants though.
I live in an apartment, so no garden for me. I have a couple of plants in the window but thats it.

I do give my friend lots of help in his garden every year. for some reason I enjoy tilling and pulling weeds. I find it relaxing. I also enjoy the random phone calls telling me to come pick whatever is ripe!! 8)
two small plots this year. Several tomatoes, cucumber, sweat potatoes, peppers. Also have a nice strawberry patch outside the fence by the creek where we also grow watermelon and cantaloupe.
my nabor just dumped off 2 dumptruck loads of cow poop for the garden i was hoping to start planting the seeds this weekend but my knee blew out on me sunday at the winni fishing derby as i was loading the boat picked up 72 tomato plants and 60 peper plants yesterday

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