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Well Canoe seems to think the rule is there somewhere. I can't seem to find anything, like you said. Still probably should have contacted the owner/administrator and discussed first before just posting a goodbye message. Maybe they did and got no satisfaction.
Well Canoe seems to think the rule is there somewhere. I can't seem to find anything, like you said. Still probably should have contacted the owner/administrator and discussed first before just posting a goodbye message. Maybe they did and got no satisfaction.
I am not sure either, I would never post anything Political to this site as it is for boats not politicians!
But to censor someone when there is no clear cut rule posted well that's not right either. Should have asked they remove (might have) and asked to keep everything just about boats like it has always been.
Here's to hoping the healing process is quick and we don't lose members who have much knowledge and experience to share with people! Thought that was what site was all about!
Locking the thread isn't censoring though. As far as I can tell everything got posted and then some before locking. These kinds of threads very often go off the rails though.
Locking the thread isn't censoring though. As far as I can tell everything got posted and then some before locking. These kinds of threads very often go off the rails though.
Well, that's an opinion I do not agree with, as far as I am concerned it is a form of censorship that should not have happened, there are other ways to sort things out rather than taking action and locking a thread, especially since it did not violate the posted rules but I am just a member here and expressing my opinion!
In the past, there have been many posts showing the American flag, so how has it now become a political post ? Had their been a reference to a person or to the election itself, I would understand and have been told that some of my comments have pushed boundries....no problem, those were retracted under the rules. But....a truck filled with American flags and eagles which are both symbols of the US ????? Really ?
Well, that's an opinion I do not agree with, as far as I am concerned it is a form of censorship that should not have happened, there are other ways to sort things out rather than taking action and locking a thread, especially since it did not violate the posted rules but I am just a member here and expressing my opinion!
For the sake of a more complete picture:
6.3. Aluminum Boat & Jon/V Boat Discussion Forum assumes no responsibility to monitor the Websites but we may do so at our sole discretion. Member-posted content may be removed from the Websites at any time with or without cause and without prior notice.
The moderaters, site administrators, or owners may, at their discretion, remove any content. That's exactly how privately owned, non-governmental sites should and do work. I don't post on here often enough to have much chance of my post being locked down or removed, but I have had posts on other privately owned sites locked down or removed. Sometimes I don't really understand why, but if the site is useful to me I just shrug my shoulders and move along, not really worrying or caring why action was taken against my post. I much prefer that to some of the sites where my membership proves to be useless due to all of the political whining and back biting that often takes over threads that started as interesting or useful.
For the sake of a more complete picture:
6.3. Aluminum Boat & Jon/V Boat Discussion Forum assumes no responsibility to monitor the Websites but we may do so at our sole discretion. Member-posted content may be removed from the Websites at any time with or without cause and without prior notice.
The moderaters, site administrators, or owners may, at their discretion, remove any content. That's exactly how privately owned, non-governmental sites should and do work. I don't post on here often enough to have much chance of my post being locked down or removed, but I have had posts on other privately owned sites locked down or removed. Sometimes I don't really understand why, but if the site is useful to me I just shrug my shoulders and move along, not really worrying or caring why action was taken against my post. I much prefer that to some of the sites where my membership proves to be useless due to all of the political whining and back biting that often takes over threads that started as interesting or useful.
Still feels kind of like a ham fisted reaction. I'm a bit surprised that Canoe hasn't jumped in yet with a more in-depth explanation.
For the sake of a more complete picture:
6.3. Aluminum Boat & Jon/V Boat Discussion Forum assumes no responsibility to monitor the Websites but we may do so at our sole discretion. Member-posted content may be removed from the Websites at any time with or without cause and without prior notice.
The moderaters, site administrators, or owners may, at their discretion, remove any content. That's exactly how privately owned, non-governmental sites should and do work. I don't post on here often enough to have much chance of my post being locked down or removed, but I have had posts on other privately owned sites locked down or removed. Sometimes I don't really understand why, but if the site is useful to me I just shrug my shoulders and move along, not really worrying or caring why action was taken against my post. I much prefer that to some of the sites where my membership proves to be useless due to all of the political whining and back biting that often takes over threads that started as interesting or useful.
dcbz, 6.3 is so vaguely written that it could be misunderstood, misused or abused. I do not think there was any intent from anyone for political reasons or to cause harm to anyone using this site. was it the best choice, no! but to cause this much of an issue is beyond belief.

As for your comment of that's exactly how privately owned, non-governmental sites should and do work is absurd, being a former government employee and also working in the private sector I have never seen or heard of anything like this before; private or government sites have always monitored their websites and utilized site administrators along with administrative resources (arbitration techniques) when necessary; and again I wasn't involved or saw the post so I can not be specific about its content or intent. A more simple solution would have been to reach out to the member to discuss and remove the posting if it caused anyone harm. It is called respect and should have happened, just my thoughts!
For the sake of a more complete picture:
6.3. Aluminum Boat & Jon/V Boat Discussion Forum assumes no responsibility to monitor the Websites but we may do so at our sole discretion. Member-posted content may be removed from the Websites at any time with or without cause and without prior notice.
The moderaters, site administrators, or owners may, at their discretion, remove any content. That's exactly how privately owned, non-governmental sites should and do work. I don't post on here often enough to have much chance of my post being locked down or removed, but I have had posts on other privately owned sites locked down or removed. Sometimes I don't really understand why, but if the site is useful to me I just shrug my shoulders and move along, not really worrying or caring why action was taken against my post. I much prefer that to some of the sites where my membership proves to be useless due to all of the political whining and back biting that often takes over threads that started as interesting or useful.
You don't need 5.2 if your going to use 6.3. Owners are within their right to run their business.

Users, Can't follow rules that don't exist.

Honestly, not having a bullet statement for political speech under 5.2, just makes it difficult to understand why a picture of American flags is an issue at all and warrant any action at all.

God Bless America!
A more simple solution would have been to reach out to the member to discuss and remove the posting if it caused anyone harm. It is called respect and should have happened, just my thoughts!
That would have been my approach as well. My best guess is that canoe was worried about things spiraling out of control given the current US political climate and just dropped the hammer as a knee jerk.

A better approach would have been to update the TOS after the post that FuzzyGrub mentioned and make a sticky post announcing it to the group. That way, everyone knows that politics is off limits and posting anything that could be construed as a political post will have consequences.
agreed, we are all wondering and supposing at this point!
I am not wondering or supposing. Again, this part of 6.3 is crystal clear to me: Member-posted content may be removed from the Websites at any time with or without cause and without prior notice.
As a privately owned web site, I agree that the owner has the right to do as they pkease, it is their site. However, when they ask me for financial support to keep it going, then I have the option of not supporting the site. There for I will not renew my subscription, please cancel. Their option to choose what posts they use and my option whether to support them with money.
As a privately owned web site, I agree that the owner has the right to do as they pkease, it is their site. However, when they ask me for financial support to keep it going, then I have the option of not supporting the site. There for I will not renew my subscription, please cancel. Their option to choose what posts they use and my option whether to support them with money.
well said airshot and I agree with you 100%; when canoe asked me for support and I funded as requested then I became a part of this site, if I had known then what I know now then I would not have funded the website. They asked for money but want to hold this type of unprofessional antics and censorship over us and call it private business, well okay then I along with my tin friends say the same thing cancel my membership and good luck to you!
I am not wondering or supposing. Again, this part of 6.3 is crystal clear to me: Member-posted content may be removed from the Websites at any time with or without cause and without prior notice.
dcbz, well if you got to have something to fall back on but why have 5.2 like insanefishman said?
Y'all REALLY want to get their attention? See those "Fiberglass Supply Depot" and "Fish On Fabrications" banners at the top of this page? Email them and see what their opinions might be.

Y'all REALLY want to get their attention? See those "Fiberglass Supply Depot" and "Fish On Fabrications" banners at the top of this page? Email them and see what their opinions might be.

I’m not that invested yet. I think the post needed to be addressed (if for no other reason than that it should have been posted in a different area) but I don’t agree with how it was handled. I have to say though that canoe’s silence is defining at this point.
Guys, no politics has ALWAYS been the rules. I am enforcing them the way they have always been enforced.

No politics. It's divisive. It was decided well before I got here it wouldn't be allowed.

I'm sorry if people find this upsetting, but the original owner/team made this decision from day one to my understanding and I'm honoring it.

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