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    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Biodegradable 2-stroke oil.
      Can't complain about Wallet World oil, in my area, it is made by Valvoline and exceeds all mfgr recomendations. A few years back some...
    • airshot
      airshot reacted to MrGiggles's post in the thread Biodegradable 2-stroke oil with Like Like.
      It was my understanding that most, if not all modern two cycle oils are biodegradable.
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread New 4-Stroke or old 2-Stroke.
      A friend belongs to a couple local Bass fishing clubs and many of the members have some nice bass boats. They all love their 250hp four...
    • airshot
      airshot reacted to Skinner3502001's post in the thread Looking at new boats with Like Like.
      Theboatplace.net in Rockville In. Has the lowe 14ft jons. Starting at $1849. cheapest I’ve seen. And they can package it with the hp...
    • airshot
      The foam will not like contact from the gas, but don't believe it is a fire hazard. Gas and gas vapors shouldn't be leaking out of the...
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Looking at new boats.
      I searched for over 3 months, drove over 200 miles each way with cash in hand three years ago to buy my 16' like new Sylvan V hull. The...
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Fish Finder Mount.
      I have had very good success with Rustoleum enamal on my Jon boat. Eight years and still looks good.
    • airshot
      Yep....knock off the heads then drive them thru with a punch !
    • airshot
      Your gonna have to move weight further forward....batteries and fuel tank are easy to do. Rather than adding pods, consider a set of...
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Battery Selection and APH.
      The TimeUSB 140 AH can be ordered directly from TimeUSB for 239 plus 70 for the preferred charger. Free shipping, very highly rated...
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Battery Selection and APH.
      Consider yourself lucky, Temu is on the gov't radar for stealing information by the Chinese gov't. The BBB stands against them highly...
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread 2003 Duracraft 1648 bass.
      Start out with a proper check of motor height....get a straight edge on the bottom if the hull and slide it back and adjust the motor...
    • airshot
      airshot reacted to Canoe's post in the thread Funnies with Like Like.
      @Lost But Happy That photo needs a second look to 'get' it.
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Battery Selection and APH.
      Making the switch this spring to a LiPO4 battery for my 55# trolling motor. My LA batteries are from 2019 and even though they still...
    • airshot
      airshot replied to the thread Battery Selection and APH.
      And free hacking on your credit card....Temu is number one on the BBB credit card fraud usage business. Beware !!
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