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  1. TriBull

    Curly Alumacraft F 50’s ? Older?

    I used Total Boat Aluminum Boat Leak Sealer.
  2. TriBull

    Curly Alumacraft F 50’s ? Older?

    I used paint stripper and fine sand paper to get the boat bare. Then I etched it all with vinegar and sealed all the seams. Then I painted all the bare aluminum surfaces inside & out with Total Boat Aluminum Topside white paint. Ironically, this is the paint that remained exposed below the...
  3. TriBull

    Curly Alumacraft F 50’s ? Older?

    Regarding paint - most paints today contain levelers that practically eliminate any brush strokes or roller bumps. I used Total Boat paint on my boat. I like using a good soft brush because it’s easier to get into corners, cracks and crannies as you go. My boat came out great - honestly it looks...
  4. TriBull

    New Member, first post

    Welcome, Loosescrew! Do you have a boat yet, or a project in line?
  5. TriBull

    14 ft boat anchor/line management?

    I use a heavy duty vinyl dry bag. Out of the water I store two anchors & lines and two dock lines in it. On the water, the dock lines are always tied to the bow & stern, I place a smaller mushroom anchor & line at the stern and keep the larger anchor & line in the bag up front. I keep the stern...
  6. TriBull

    6, 9.9, 15HP on a 12ft tinner

    I started with an old 6hp 2stroke Yamaha that the wife of a very close buddy gave me when he died. It was a long shaft kicker he used as an auxiliary motor in his larger boat. I accepted it with the notion of setting up a small boat for exploring Florida rivers, lakes and coastal areas. I hung...
  7. TriBull

    9.9 not exciting enough 😂

    The older StarCrafts had wood seats with metal panels underneath that contained flotation blocks. My old StarCraft Seafarer had all the panels, but they were corroded and the flotation blocks were deteriorated. I replaced it all with fabricated aluminum panels and new flotation blocks. I was...
  8. TriBull

    Wood or Aluminum

    I used snap down marine cushions by OceanSouth on my wood seats - they’re great! OceanSouth has a website or you can find some on Amazon. There’s a variety of sizes & colors. Mine have held up well…...
  9. TriBull

    Social Security Cost of Living Increase!?

    Every year the COLA is based on changes in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), an inflation measure tracked by the U.S. Department of Labor. The SSA compares the CPI-W for July, August and September of one year to the same period the year before. The...
  10. TriBull

    How’s the weather been this boating season in your area?

    Spoke too soon! 🫣 Time to hunker down…
  11. TriBull

    I'm a great uncle!

    Be that crazy uncle! 😂
  12. TriBull

    How’s the weather been this boating season in your area?

    In Florida, I’m feeling more hopeful each day! At the start of the summer it was predicted to be one of the busiest hurricane seasons in history. But it’s been quite the opposite, so far… There’s been lots of opportunities to get out on the water, and minimal storm threat. I’m not ready to count...
  13. TriBull


    Seeing a grandson pull in a fish is always the best…
  14. TriBull

    Boating Etiquette

    As true so often in life, I think the Golden Rule applies. In any situation like that where I wonder what I should do, I simply imagine what I’d want if I were in their shoes. A good habit to practice I think… To me, exercising courtesy feels good! If that’s being a “Karen”, I could give a sh&t! 🙂
  15. TriBull

    First time boat owner with a few questions

    It’s how I was able to get my boat to stop porpoising. I tried a few different angled wedges until I got it zeroed in…