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  1. Z

    Motor wouldn't go over 2400 RPM temporarily?

    Ahh, this would make sense... Previously, I noticed that my telltale was not peeing out any water one day. After blowing into it and seeing if there was anything blocking it, I restarted the engine and it started peeing water just fine. I thought maybe some bugs got in there and blocked it up...
  2. Z

    Motor wouldn't go over 2400 RPM temporarily?

    Trying to figure out what would cause this temporarily? I was heading out from a bay to a main lake, everything was seemingly fine in the bay. I got to the main lake and went to speed up, the motor wouldn't go over 2400 RPM and would just shake, sounding like it was hitting a rev limiter. I...
  3. Z

    Pulling a tube

    The proper word might be "ventilation", and thinking back on it, if you look at the pic, we were in a super weedy area (was looking for a spot that was calm so I could mess around with the ropes) and the weeds may have just fouled the prop up a bit so when I went to accelerate the RPM's just...
  4. Z

    Pulling a tube

    So I'm a fishing guy and have a boat setup mainly for fishing. That said, my daughter is old enough to go on a tube herself and did so this past weekend and now she's hooked. I actually bought a tube earlier this summer but never got around to testing it out on my boat. I took it out tonight...
  5. Z

    Drain plug and vent screws painted over

    Picture would help, but ya, I'd just scrape it off with something and make sure you don't strip the screw due to paint being in the slot. You could try spraying some paint remover on it to help if needed. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  6. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Well, we did it boys! We're back in business. 80 bucks later for an over priced plastic handle and switch and we got her all back together. We won't talk about my beautiful initial wire connections that I had done that had to be cut off because I'm an idiot and didn't route the wires through...
  7. Z

    Won't stay running

    I have a 70hp Johnson. Once you take the air box off, the carbs are pretty easy to remove. Giving them a good clean in all the jets/orifices would be where I would start, just to make sure its not all gummed up or clogged.
  8. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    No worries, appreciate the assistance! I have 2 parts ordered actually. One of the cheaper chinese switches and 1 OEM handle that comes with the switch. We'll see how she goes!
  9. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Ok forget testing the switch. I reconnected the battery and the trim isn't running anymore and the switch on the motor works fine now. It's definitely the switch from the handle that is bad. The hack switch the previous owner put in works fine too in wondering if I should just say forget the...
  10. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Well crap.... It's a sealed switch... I thought it would have 3 open prongs on it and expected to find corrosion. How do I go about testing this with a voltmeter? Anyone know how I'd look up this part to see if I can find any on ebay? I did notice light burn marks on the red and green wires...
  11. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    We did it! Now the hard(er) part Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  12. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Can't get an Allen wrench on that set screw properly. Think it's holding the handle on now that I got that front pivot screw off. Hmmm. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  13. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Ok I'm dumb. More progress. The rubber was hiding the screw. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  14. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Another discovery! I ran across someone mentioning something about moving the throttle all the way back to remove handle and there was an Allen screw hidden somewhere. I noticed the handle had a cutout in the bottom so I moved it all the way to reverse and low and behold there looks like some...
  15. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Ok this is interesting news. I just went out on my lunch break and removed the 3 remaining rivets at the top and I now have access behind there. Oh well! No harm done as it looks like previous person already did and they were missing one anyway. Will have to pop a couple back in there when done...