1973 16’ Monark repair/rebuild


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Wound up order new hubs from Tractor Supply. They were about the same price as the ones on Amazon and I know they are at least decent quality. The down side is that the estimated delivery date isn't until a week from today. Gives me more time to deal with the bunk/roller situation I guess.
Edit: Thought I was posting this on the trailer specific thread... Moving it over there now.
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I'm pretty sure the boat is a 1658 instead of a 1648. It measures 51" at the beam instead of the 68" listed for a 1648. Doesn't make a huge difference for what I'm doing, but it's good information to have.

Edit: I can find no record of Monark ever making a 1658, or any 16' boat with a 51" beam for that matter...

2nd Edit: I couldn't find a 16' Monark with a 51" beam because they didn't make one. They did however make a 1664 with a 57" beam. I re-measured the beam and it measures a somewhere around 54.5-55". With all the dings in it and the transom being bowed out slightly, I could easily see it having lost a couple of inches in width.
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