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  1. .Mike

    Safety Issues = Power Tools

    Brutal. I hope you heal completely! I took two years of shop class in junior high school. There was a table saw in the workshop that students weren't allowed to touch. About 15 feet behind the table saw, there was a chunk of wood, maybe 3/4" square, sticking about 6" out from the cinder block...
  2. .Mike

    Inexpensive DIY Pole Anchor

    I just put together the cheapest possible high-quality shallow water pole anchor that I could, and thought I would share in case anyone else is looking to make their own. I couldn't find any fiberglass poles locally, so I ordered from I used item FS3408 for $10.49 plus $5.99...
  3. .Mike

    Looking for a plain old Jon Boat and need some help.

    As an exercise, take a look at new Lowe jon boats. You'll find that it costs more to add width than it does length. For example, a 1436 starts at $857 for a lightweight version, or $1209 for a standard version. Make that a 1448 and the price jumps to $1797-- a 49% price increase of almost $600...
  4. .Mike

    Red on Right Returning....duhhhh

    I wish that were true around here. Most of our "fast" travel is on the Wilmington River, running between tidal creeks. The river starts at the Savannah River, and ends in the Atlantic at Wassaw Sound. 17.3 miles total length. The tide pushes up from the ocean, but partially drains upstream into...
  5. .Mike

    40 hp Mariner 2 cyl

    It looks just like this one to me:
  6. .Mike

    Post storm fishing

    We didn't get a direct hit or anything, but we got a decent amount of surge. It was enough to churn up our water, and push the fish out to the ocean. Right now, fishing stinks. Nobody in the area is catching much in the areas where we fish. We fish the tidal creeks... redfish, trout, flounder...
  7. .Mike

    Help with location of Side Imaging Transducer on Tracker

    I've been doing some research on fish finders, planning on getting a side imaging unit in the next few months. I came across this video, which demonstrates how a small change in transducer position can make a big impact. They show underwater video of a properly installed transducer, and an...
  8. .Mike


    Have you considered an extension (or whatever phpbb calls it) to automatically strip out Amazon affiliate links, and append your affiliate link to the end of any Amazon link posted by members? It's a pretty common technique. Your ad blocker is blocking it. Here is a text link...
  9. .Mike

    Replacing transom

    Grab a 1x4 (or 1x3). Cut a couple of pieces off, just a few inches long. Make sure one of the pieces is from the end of the board, so it has a clean, square edge. Set that square edge up against the other piece to make an L. Glue and screw the pieces together. Now, place the L piece on your...
  10. .Mike

    New prop didn't even last one gallon of gas

    It is very unlikely that it is shipping damage. They ship in their retail packaging, wrapped in black plastic wrap, and the box was in perfect shape. The prop is suspended in cardboard, which is also in perfect shape. The damaged area is nice and smooth, and it looks like it was powder coated...
  11. .Mike

    New prop didn't even last one gallon of gas

    My tune is rapidly changing on Turning Point. My experience is now that they have a quality control problem. This is what the replacement prop looks like. Note the two bends-- one significant-- on the rim, where the prop is supposed to interface with the motor. Given that the first prop failed...
  12. .Mike


    Irma was nothing here. A bit of wind. A bit of rain. Higher than normal tides. We had a worse storm a couple of weeks ago. They lifted the mandatory evacuation order 4 hours after it started. They reversed our highway, but nobody really left, so they quickly reversed it right back. We're in...
  13. .Mike


    Yeah, that is what I decided to do. My boat is 230lbs, and my 5' tall wife and I removed it from the trailer last night, and flipped it over. My motor is sitting in my laundry room... heh! We woke up this morning to find that the models have shifted from us getting a direct hit, to us maxing...
  14. .Mike

    G3 acronym meanings???

    I like a mystery, and I have found your answers. WSOF = Welded with Center Seat VBW (not VBM) = V-Bow Welded I found it by clicking the Media Downloads link on their website, then clicking Media 2017 > Catalogs > G3 Boats > 2017 G3 Boats Catalog Single Pages It is located at the top of page 101.
  15. .Mike

    Drilling aluminum hull

    I bet a spade bit would benefit from having a backer of some sort, like a chunk of scrap wood clamped in place. :)
  16. .Mike


    What worries me about filling it with water is the weight of the water. I estimate that my boat will hold about 6,000lbs of water. That was the reasoning behind putting the bow on the ground, to allow overflow before the boat completely fills up. On the trailer, I can't imagine that either the...
  17. .Mike


    I tried to find an indoor spot to put my boat, but it looks like it is going to have to sit in the yard. I've come up with two options. Does one of these sound better than the other? Any other suggestions? 1. Put the boat on the ground, flip it over, put some anchors in the ground, and strap...
  18. .Mike

    Trolling motor ID??

    So you don't have the circuit board that is shown in that picture? I would think that, if the manufacturer of the trolling motor also made the circuit board, they would put their name on the silkscreen.
  19. .Mike


    Florida is so susceptible to hurricanes. You guys are much better prepared than us, and for good reason. We're kind of tucked in along the coast, and rarely get hit. Our last actual landfall was in 1979. The Carolinas usually take the hit for us. The freakout factor is high right now. When...
  20. .Mike


    Well, this one is not looking good for us in the southeast. I hope everyone down in Florida is making their preparations. We're exactly 1 mile from the Savannah River, which is tidal, and 10 -12 miles to the ocean. Our plan is to ride out category 3 or below, and evacuate for category 4 or...