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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Shrewsbury, MA
How would you like to help support TinBoats without having to spend a penny of your own? :LOL2:

If you shop through Amazon, read on.......

I signed up for their affiliate program, and anyone who does any kind of purchases through the link, sends a few cents to the site. This costs you nothing and subconsciously you support TinBoats. I can assure you this will not be buying my 2nd vacation home, extravagant excursions, or fancy foreign sports cars. It will just help keep the site afloat. :lol:

No pressure here just being forthright. If you wish to help out, just click on the banner below and that is it. You can then save the URL if you want. Again, this costs you nothing and it will help float the costs of maintaining this most awesome site. :D

I'm curious how this works. Do you get credit if I access Amazon through your site...and shop for other things that are not pictured on the Tinboat ads? Or only if I buy the item being displayed?

I hope the first way....I buy from amazon several times a week and would love for someone to benefit from my boat spending addiction. LOL.

Rob, I'm really not sure. :LOL2:

I think we get some credit if you just click the link first (I told my relatives to click on the banner, then bookmark it :lol: ). From what I have been reading, you only get credit after the item has shipped and then you lose the credit if the item is returned. Again I don't expect to retire our move into a higher tax bracket. :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:
Just a reminder, If you are shopping Amazon during this holiday season, use the link above. It does not cost you anything, and a few cents come back to the site.

Jim :D
Jim said:
Just a quick bump to remind you that you can support the site without it costing you a penny out of pocket! :LOL2:
Have you considered an extension (or whatever phpbb calls it) to automatically strip out Amazon affiliate links, and append your affiliate link to the end of any Amazon link posted by members? It's a pretty common technique.

earl60446 said:
I don't even see a "banner below". I guess you must have given up on it.
Your ad blocker is blocking it. Here is a text link:
And because I hide nothing, I want to you to know that since I created the affiliate link almost 2 years ago I have made a whopping $154 and some change. :LOL22:
After a few months Amazon JUST sent me a check for $13.63 cents. :LOL2:

Thank you to all who use the above affiliate link. For those that don't know or are new, please read original thread or just shop by clicking the banner below. :beer:

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