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  1. Aaron Lariscy

    GA TinBoat Get Together

    Im in depending on location and dates I am planning a trip to santee this april so we'll have to see how my time off works out.
  2. Aaron Lariscy

    Biggest to date

    Yesterday morning wasn't bad however yesterday afternoon was impossible the wind was blowing me sideways across the river when I was on plane headed to the hole. Once I got there I couldn't even stay anchored the wide would get under the bow and drag us down river not to mention trhe chop...
  3. Aaron Lariscy

    Sadly--Body of fisherman recovered at Santee Cooper-(Marion)

    Got any details? Size of boat, weather conditions ect... Im planning a trip up there this spring and don't want to get caught up in the same situation. Edit, Found all the information here for the curious.
  4. Aaron Lariscy

    Tracker Grizzly

    They seem to be pretty good boat's I haven't heard of many people complaining about them and like any aluminum boat it should be easily repairable and modifiable. If it looks good and is within your price range I say go for it but shop around and make sure your getting a good price for what it...
  5. Aaron Lariscy

    Gas is going through the roof! sigh...

    Ditto here, I had a 17 foot bass tracker I was planning on restoring but I got rid of it and opted for a 1542 with a 25hp Evinrude so gas prices won't even slow me down. I also have a Geo Tracker I am working on getting setup to tow with that should help save even more... I am however hoping...
  6. Aaron Lariscy

    Biggest to date

    Hooked up with this big cat this morning, we were trying to find some stripers but having no luck and was down to my last bait. Hooked it up and chunked it out and about 2mins later the bait alert started screaming and I pulled in this big un. Not a striper but still a worthy catch in my book...
  7. Aaron Lariscy

    1448 or 1648 welded jon--which would you buy and why?

    Three people in any tin boat is a tight fit in my opinion I prefer two at the most.
  8. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe Line 1542 buildup

    Hit the river sat morning in search of some stripers but it was a complete bust it snapped off too cold outta the blue so I got some more done on the boat. Fabbed up alittle tray to mount the FF to and also to hold my pliers because I am tired of always looking for them. Got the ff and tranducer...
  9. Aaron Lariscy

    Best size small river boat

    2072 and not an inch smaller or you will regret it...
  10. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe Line 1542 buildup

    Well the wing is gone in got in the way tonight and I ripped it off, ill have to come up with another idea for a rod holder. I also found a hole in one of my pods and another hole in my boat I feel that this salt infested boat in going to be one prepetual leak. :| Oh well I am going striper...
  11. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe Line 1542 buildup

    Wanted to be sure I cleared the motor well enought that the cowl could be easily removed, will be fabbing up a jack plate later so it'll be even higher.
  12. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe Line 1542 buildup

    Mounting the rod holders on it, knew I was gonna catch crap for it but function over form...
  13. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe Line 1542 buildup

    Lots of progress tonight got the floor in and pods and the mount for the rod holders, going to bed now because I am tired and still have to make 8 tomorrow as well. :cry: Will post pictures tomorrow of the rod holders mounted possibly from the river if all works out well. :mrgreen:
  14. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe Line 1542 buildup

    Made alittle progress got the baitwell made and some rod holders. The aluminum for the floor arrived today so hopefully I can get it in tomorrow. Either way I will be in the river this weekend weather willing!
  15. Aaron Lariscy

    Connector shopping finished wiring harness ideas

    What kind of conduit did you route your wiring in and can we see that?
  16. Aaron Lariscy

    TinBoats Twitter - Random posts

    For the first time this so called "winter" it is supposed to drop into the teens, I say bring it on...
  17. Aaron Lariscy

    The lowest............

    Must be stocking up for valentines day. :roll: Absoutely unbeliveable this world is going to heck in a handbasket.
  18. Aaron Lariscy

    Lowe 20' Olympic Jon Boat

    How wide are those boats?
  19. Aaron Lariscy

    Anyone ever use Alumaloy???

    Too good to be true it usually is... just sayin. However if you get it and it works as advertised let us know I am a pretty fluent welder of steel and aluminum but these still interest me.
  20. Aaron Lariscy

    Which ONE ?? '94 Yammie OR '06 Johnson ??

    Why not replace the pump yourself it's not that hard and makes the yammie that much more appealing.