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  1. C

    How to adjust free play in steering wheel?

    Thanks for everyone’s help. I really appreciate it.
  2. C

    Throttle tension screw???

    You just squeeze the top and bottom together making the middle bulge out a little to get those little pins on the side to come out the holes. Don’t do what he did with the putty knife. I’m glad I removed the cover, man it was nasty under there. My tension screw was very very loose. Surprised it...
  3. C

    Throttle tension screw???

    Answered my own question. Here is a video for taking off the cover.
  4. C

    Throttle tension screw???

    I’m having a problem with my throttle not staying in position while I’m running. As soon as I ease off pressure with my hand the speed starts trickling down. I understand some where under the cover there is a screw that I need to tighten a little bit. However I can’t get the darn cover off. I...
  5. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    Did a good 47 mile run on the Atchafalaya river and it is good to go. No vibrations and it ran great. In fact, I somehow picked up about 4 mph. 🤷‍♂️. So case closed on my bent prop shaft. Hope this helps someone else down the road.
  6. C

    How to adjust free play in steering wheel?

    Did a good 47 mile test run on the Atchafalaya River in basin today. All is good. Have to adjust steering wheel a little bit to be dead straight. It’s a lot better now.
  7. C

    How to adjust free play in steering wheel?

    There was indeed a key and it was indeed rusted. You get a Gold Star!!!!
  8. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    Yeah that sounds pretty smart. Thank you.
  9. C

    How to adjust free play in steering wheel?

    In case anyone wants to know which helm I installed. It’s the No Feed Back or NFB type.
  10. C

    How to adjust free play in steering wheel?

    Cut off the old helm and installed the new one. Pretty easy stuff. Took less than 30 mins. Just turning the wheel in my garage and it has WAY less play. Going test tomorrow.
  11. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    Going test tomorrow. I asked my marine shop how much they would have charged me today. They remove shaft and have a machine shop true it up, they replace carrier bearings and impeller and it would have been $950 on my Yammy F90😳
  12. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

  13. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    Basically I found the hi point, set it at 12 o’clock, put 3 full cranks on the jack, let it sit there for 20mins then checked it. Still a little bit of run out. Set it back up and put 2 cranks and let it sit for 15mins. Removed jack and checked it. Run out getting less and less. So I just kept...
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    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    Well after researching it and giving it a go, looks like everything going to be alright after all. YouTube saved me once again. I’m going to tweak on it a little more and see if I can get it perfect, then put in water today or tomorrow and see how the motor and gears feel. So far I’m pretty...
  15. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    Thank god I wasn’t running!!! I was being cautious entering and exiting cuts/canals bc water so low right now in Basin. Actually I might have been better off on plane now that I think about it.🤷‍♂️ I’m going to try the floor jack b/t shaft and cavitation plate method and see how that goes...
  16. C

    Trolling Motor making grinding noise when turning.

    I got to mess with it today a little bit. I made sure the line wasn't twisted etc. Seems slightly better. I removed the top cover and saw how it works. Nothing looks bad. Teeth on the gears are fine. I put a little grease on the teeth. It sounds like it's coming from inside the upper part of the...
  17. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    2005 Yamaha F90. From what I've seen, it looks like a big job removing that shaft.
  18. C

    More Fun!!! Bent Prop Shaft

    I hit something hard coming out of a canal doing 4mph. Propeller wasn’t too bad and I had it fixed already. Didn’t notice prop shaft until I put propeller back in this morning. I tried bending it with a 3ft cheater pipe. I literally jumped up and down on it to no avail. What sort of money is...