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  1. L

    fish tacos

    the first time i went to san diego my buddy thought there was something wrong with me. i ate fish tacos EVERYDAY.
  2. L


    nice. i havent had spam in probably 35+ years either. i have almost bought a can just to see if it is as bad as i remember
  3. L

    2008 Mercury 20 ELH Whining at High RPM

    From what I remember there were shims in there. After new years and bearings I want to say they felt tighter. Whine went away
  4. L

    2008 Mercury 20 ELH Whining at High RPM

    mine never had metal in the oil. it ran fine, had that whine since brand new. then one day about full throttle she let go. no warning, nothing.
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    That's what we used to do in high school. Local park had a nice pond next to the appomattox river (park was gated and closed at night) walking distance from my buddy's house...... gigged many frogs out of there.
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    2008 Mercury 20 ELH Whining at High RPM

    My 09 merc. 20hp had a whine to it since new. Then one day it decided for no reason at all to eat the pinion gears out of the gear case...... once I replaced the gears and bearings the whine went away.
  7. L

    Farm trout release

    Never been there. When I was in college my roommate and I watched the trout stock schedule like our life depended on it. We trout fished all over Franklin county and Henry county. Caught lots of trout.
  8. L

    Wood Burning

    That's awesome. I haven't done this since I was a kid. My mom still has a sign I made for her for Christmas one year hanging in the kitchen. "Dale's Kitchen"
  9. L

    Evinrude Parts

    LDUBS I have raided the nut/bolt section of lowes and home depot many time for replacements. I also keep nuts/bolts when working on everything.
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    Round 2 LunkHunt Propfish Giveaway!

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    Evinrude Parts

    i hear you there. when i was boat shopping i went to the local boat dealer. little mom and pop place. not much inventory but i was going to support them. i couldnt even get them to answer my questions about the boat i was thinking about buying........
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    Evinrude Parts

    i love supporting local businesses however, I just did the mechanic work. the motor belongs to my cousins son. they are 7 hours away. so i sent them the part numbers to order. the closest place for me to get parts is about 50 miles away.
  13. L

    lower unit oil??

    According to the previous owner it was broken and used some.
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    Evinrude Parts

    never thought about napa. I will add that to the list.
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    lower unit oil??

    well i went to "Jon-ny Cash's" house this past weekend. I dropped the lower unit and checked the impeller. MINT! i was shocked. we are ordering another to put in but i was curious when i was there. I also changed the lower unit oil. I also showed him how to do it and had him help. I will...
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    OutBoard Service Repair manuals

    anyone have a manual for a 1985 Evinrude 15hp?
  17. L

    Evinrude Parts

    Where should I order Evinrude parts from? Evinrude has the parts I need, but i wanted to see where everyone else is getting them from. Many thanks in advance. 1985 evinrude 15hp. i have used in the past for parts.
  18. L

    Anyone getting out?

    i will be next week, heading to the St. Johns river. out of Palatka, Fl. my step dad has the boat rented already. supposed to be for 2 days. then at the end of next week i will be in beaufort, Nc. my cousin has a house on the south river. they just got a new boat. so we will see.