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  1. C

    Thermostat Johnson 1988 9.9

    Did that year Johnson really have the block painted Black, or did the previous owner do that (possibly to hide something?)? CMOS
  2. C

    Problems with 82 Johnson 15 HP (miaden voyage faliure...)

    Yep, pawl spring is broken. I will order some parts and hope to work on this the weekend of 9-19. I'll keep y'all posted.... CMOS
  3. C

    Problems with 82 Johnson 15 HP (miaden voyage faliure...)

    Great pics Cajun. I can now check that paw spring to see if it is in the right place and shape. I kinda think my spring might be broken . . . CMOS
  4. C

    Problems with 82 Johnson 15 HP (miaden voyage faliure...)

    Great info guys. Thanks. BTW - where can I find that lockout assembly on the on-line parts diagrams (, etc.)? I looked through every section and couldn't find it. Might need some parts for that assembly... CMOS
  5. C

    Problems with 82 Johnson 15 HP (miaden voyage faliure...)

    k, I want to be able to advance the throttle, if needed, when starting in neutral. So what do I need to do to keep that lockout arm from engaging the recoil gears? CMOS
  6. C

    Problems with 82 Johnson 15 HP (miaden voyage faliure...)

    Pappy - I have the manuals already. Is the adjustment you mentioned in the Carb Overhaul section. Another note: when I had this motor running in the driveway a week ago it ran just fine. Had a good rock-solid stable idle. I remembered last night that when I tried to get it running this past...
  7. C

    Problems with 82 Johnson 15 HP (miaden voyage faliure...)

    Howdy All, I've been working on this motor for a few months and finally got her fired up in the driveway last weekend. This weekend (Labor Day) was supposed to be its maiden voyage. Lady Luck was not having any of that however. We never got away from the dock. Hoping for some help with a...
  8. C

    Ordered a new MV1648 NCS

    Sweet and simple CRR! CMOS
  9. C

    70's Johnson 9.5, separating lower case problems

    cajun, Fantastic info. This just may help me one day if I keep my 66 9.5. CMOS
  10. C

    70's Johnson 9.5, separating lower case problems

    Funny - I took that pic. It's my motor (66 9.5). :mrgreen: Not sure if I can help on the first issue you are having. Once apart, replace the main seal between the Power Head and exhaust housing. Good luck. I'll be watching this thread so I can see how you did things. CMOS
  11. C

    70's Johnson 9.5, separating lower case problems

    oak, I don't understand what you are asking. Can you re-phrase and or post some pics? CMOS
  12. C

    1982 Johnson 15 HP Carb Rebuild - Update: running!

    Okay guys, she's running. Started on the 3rd pull. SS mixture was set perfect. Didn't even need to move it (although yes I did test the setting). This motor is much quieter than my 1966 9.5. Some questions: 1. I was not able to test shifting because I had to take the prop off to fit the...
  13. C

    1982 Johnson 15 HP Carb Rebuild - Update: running!

    Thank you Gentlemen. :) I can proceed. . . CMOS
  14. C

    1982 Johnson 15 HP Carb Rebuild - Update: running!

    Howdy All, I'm in the process of putting my Carb back together after a good cleaning. I have a Carb Kit but I'm having trouble with the little white funnel looking "SS needle bushing". It doesn't seem to fit in the area where the SS needle is to be screwed into. See attached pic. What's the...
  15. C

    Odd starting procedures: 1966 Johnson 9.5 - ?

    Mark, Plugs look good, and even. I really have not done any prolonged idling. What would you consider "prolonged"? I'm the only one (for now) that is starting this motor, but once I get my 15 HP running I plan to sell the 9.5, and I will definitely write a starting procedure for the next...
  16. C

    Odd starting procedures: 1966 Johnson 9.5 - ?

    Howdy All, I have a very well running 1963 Johnson 9.5, but I am perplexed as to how it behaves (starting) when the outside temperature is hot here in Texas, 90-100 degrees. I first got this motor running in winter of 2015. Cold starts are done as usual: prime, choke, throttle to neutral hard...
  17. C

    first outing not so good

    Tag. Interesting post. Good luck OP. CMOS
  18. C

    1966 Evinrude 33HP Fuel Pump

    You will be fine. OMC designed this one fuel pump to work on engines up to 40 HP. CMOS
  19. C

    first outing w/ 1994 evinrude 25hp-?'s- update

    Pappy - don't want to hijack the OP's thread but can you expand on your statement? CMOS