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  1. Wallijig

    Multiple Mega Muskies

    Well went after eyes in same spot and muskies there again. Caught and released a 36" and 33" this evening.
  2. Wallijig

    Multiple Mega Muskies

    (Mega for South Dakota Musky anyway.) I thought I hooked a horse when trolling for walleyes on Saturday. using 6 lbs test line and med action pole I thought one or other was going to snap when landing these beasts. :shock: First one I did not measure just wanted to get back in water so would...
  3. Wallijig

    Run wires under floor or along gunwale??

    If have room under or on put more then one conduit in second with pull string. If have a conduit with wires in already and want to add it is real bear trying to pull more wires threw it if other wires in it already. One would have to unhook existing wires and pull new wires added with it. Having...
  4. Wallijig

    Lowrance HDS updates :)

    Just found Friday that lowrance has a firmware update for gen 2 hds units One can share chart now between networked devices. No longer needing chip for each unit. :) Going to save people alot of money. Here it is: Will be able to do...
  5. Wallijig

    Unbeleiveable Weekend of Fishing! Multiple 9-12lbs eyes...

    Had a great weekend again. Got into some nice walleyes. Got multiple 24"-30"ers. This one was just short of 30". Here's friends wife with one of the 24" eyes she got when they jumped in my boat earlier in week.
  6. Wallijig

    Musky, Pike action and more. :)

    Hit the water in SE South Dakota Saturday morning and had a great day. Right off the bat caught this fat Musky. Then threw out day caught multiple 14"-19" smallies and big pike, as evening got closer smallies continued with about a dozen walleyes to boot. Great day to be on water. Lost another...
  7. Wallijig

    What did you catch today?

    Fishing was not disappointing again Tuesday evening. Here's sample of afternoon/evening catches...... Been getting 5-6 of these toads a afternoon... Many eyes in like these too..
  8. Wallijig

    What did you catch today?

    Been a great spring since ice out. Been catching lot of eyes. releasing most of them kept a few today for dinner guest. Here's one from night before (Saturday)
  9. Wallijig

    Was on the bass last Sunday

    Nice Fish Looks pretty light in color. finding them shallow or is that just the color of the strain in lake you fish? Wish we had some lakes around here that hold some decent population of large mouth.
  10. Wallijig

    South MS bream

    Great Catch! Day 2 picture looks like a fish quilt. :D
  11. Wallijig

    Unbeleiveable Weekend of Fishing! Multiple 9-12lbs eyes...

    Buddy that guides called and said "Prespawn HAWG Walleye bite is on get out after them!" That was understatement!! We hit water at Friday evening from 10pm to 5am Saturday morning, took about 3 hr. nap, hit a lake with ice on it yet to catch some hawg perch and eater size eyes, then hit...
  12. Wallijig

    Structure scan view video

    I planned on getting touch unit but salesman I delt with said they have had some issues with the touch. Figured I would give it a yr or so on market and see how things unfold, then pull trigger on touch unit. I also found how to convert this to overlay on my gps. So I can see structure before...
  13. Wallijig

    Structure scan view video

    I have 2 Lowrance hds7 with lss2 structure scan. I found program to view it and more at lowrance web site.
  14. Wallijig

    Structure scan view video

    Was out playing with new equipment I installed on my rig. I found some farm equipment and tractor under water. here's video I made with my phone. I have it stored on SD card just have to figure out now how to view direct off sd card on computer. Click on picture if wish to see video:
  15. Wallijig

    widow coulee mt

    Nice fish indeed. Beautiful area. I wish I had chance to get after them last couple weeks. Here winter will not seem to end. We got hit by ice storm last week still cleaning up. And Friday had winter storm warning, and snow on Saturday and supposed to again today.
  16. Wallijig

    What fuse for lowerance 2100 depth finder.

    In the last month I installed 2-hds7, hds8, hds10, hds5, 3-structure scan modules and couple elite units in my boat and for friends. They all come supplied with a 3 amp fuse.
  17. Wallijig

    It's hawg eye time now!!

    With river system and smaller lakes opening up, and the bigger lakes still fishable for short time before iceout. The walleyes are fattened up full of eggs on the feed just before spawn. Also here in SD season never closes like some states. Few fishing buddies have landed some dandies last...
  18. Wallijig

    What do you use for landing nets.

    I have beckman net with telescopic handle. Buddy who guide s tried Frabil hiber net had problems with net wearing where it went in tube eventually come apart. He too now has switche to beckman. I like the coth type with rubber costing so hooks do not get caught in it. I feel it has less...
  19. Wallijig

    OMG Huge Hawg Perch bite is on!!!!

    Down in se part of SD the ice fishing is pretty much over. Shorelines open we are waiting for rest to open up for open water fishing. However up in NE where those perch were caught still over 30" of ice. Perch still biting. Guessing they will be on ice easy to mid April if not 1st part of May.