What fuse for lowerance 2100 depth finder.


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the finisher

Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
sacramento, california
Just finish wiring my little aluminum boat and need to add fuses. The fuse holder on my lowerance 2100 is old, and crumbled when I took the fuse out to check it. Also I need to figure out what fuse and holder to use for my lights. I have no switches just clamps to connect the battery. Any advice would greatly apreciated.
not familiar with the 2100, but if it has gps and 2d, 3amp should be enough but check the manual or Lowrances website. How many amps do the lights pull?
In the last month I installed 2-hds7, hds8, hds10, hds5, 3-structure scan modules and couple elite units in my boat and for friends. They all come supplied with a 3 amp fuse.
I'll try a 3a. I connected it directly to the battery for a few seconds just to see how deep the water was today. But I dont wanna keep doing it that way. This is a really old school model. It's the ring with the orange line that tells how deep the water is. I tried to post a pic, but taptalk is acting up and wont upload.
Well after talking to some people locally I ended up with 6a fuses for the lights and 7.5 for the depth finder. Seemed to work just fine for this fishing derby. Now to get some toggle switches wired up, and i'll be dialed.
If I were you I'd use a 3amp and have some backups just in case. If you have an issue a 7.5 might not blow and ruin your fish finder instead. Just my opinion
you said some thing about lites , well it depends on the type and the amp draw . what size wire are you using for them?
and how meany do you have on that run? if you have size 12 wire and 2 fog lamps and that is all on that run I would use a 15 amp fuse.
but that is just me.

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