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  1. idruthrbfishin

    Lowe 1448 Missing Live Well Plug

    Did you ever figure this out? My Crestliner is standard 1" MPT (male pipe thread) which measures pretty close to 1 1/8" OD I'm almost wondering if thats what you have on your Lowe.
  2. idruthrbfishin

    Which jet

    Go for the 60/40 2 stroke Merc you won't be sorry. I switched from a 25/18 tiller to a 60/40 remote in 2017 wish I would have done it 10 years ago.
  3. idruthrbfishin

    merc 60/40 question

    Curious what you ended up doing here. I took my 16 footer from a 18 HP tiller to a 60/40 with fwd console back in in 2017. Wow, wish I would have done it 10 years ago.
  4. idruthrbfishin

    Ribs cause. Problem with jet?

    Depends on how big the ribs are. I have a Crestliner mod. V that has a strong center keel and a rib on either side 6" away, never hasd any trouble in the 20+ years I've owned it. Biggest thing is getting the motor mounted at the correct height.
  5. idruthrbfishin

    Minn Kota tension adjustment

    Question on a Minn Kota Maxxum 24v. 74# thrust. It turns way too easy. I tried tightening it up using the adjustment screw on the foot pedal, it's tightened up all the way and it still whips from left to right and vice versa way too easily. Not sure if the cables are stretched or what...
  6. idruthrbfishin

    Transom Replacement Material Options

    Wow, their (Raka's) prices are great! Wish I knew that before I bought 3 quarts of Gluvit at $65/quart!
  7. idruthrbfishin


    Pods for $67???? LMK where and I'll buy a set!
  8. idruthrbfishin

    Grumman 4.4

    They were a solid boat. Good luck with the transom. Just finished replacing one on a 1986 Grumman Skidaddle.
  9. idruthrbfishin

    Best sealant for unprimed aluminum

    Hey Dale, finished up the transom on my Grumman. It is worth noting, that the factory did not prime the bare aluminum before applying the butyl tape. This boat is a 1986 and the seams themselves are actually in very good condition, which surprised me given the extremely poor condition of the...
  10. idruthrbfishin

    Transom Replacement Material Options

    Don't use fiberglass resin. I used it on a modified V many years ago when I was young and uneducated LoL. While it might hold up for a while, it is not the right type of polyester resin for this application. Use a 2 part epoxy designed specifically for boat transoms, it will last much longer...
  11. idruthrbfishin

    Best sealant for unprimed aluminum

    Dale, so you would suggest using a self-etching primer prior to applying the butyl tape?
  12. idruthrbfishin

    Best sealant for unprimed aluminum

    Re-skinning transom. What is the best sealant for unprimed aluminum (UPA) below the waterline? Have read that 5200 attacks UPA. Was strongly considering butyl tape. Seems like a decent choice, convenient to use, not so messy, stays flexible, etc.
  13. idruthrbfishin

    Noob Trolling motor and battery questions

    As long as you are planning on running with 2 batteries, I would suggest looking into a 24V trolling motor. A 24V trolling motor will pull half the amperage (Ohm's Law) and run 4x as long on a single charge. Plus, you get more power! Ugh-Ugh!
  14. idruthrbfishin

    I think I'm done with Minn Kota

    I have owned 6 Minn Kota's and one Motor Guide over the last 30 years and every one of them has been awesome. Having said that, I still buy the cable steer style when buying a bow mount. Less to go wrong, K.I.S.S.
  15. idruthrbfishin


    Question: does ALL of the old paint need to be removed before applying Gluvit? Replacing transom on a mid-80's Grumman.
  16. idruthrbfishin

    rear seat/casting deck

    Anyone ever build a rear casting platform that converts into a flip up seat? Considering something like this for the back of my deep vee Grumman. See sketches.
  17. idruthrbfishin

    Evinrude 60 HP

    Looking for info on a 1984 Evinrude 60 HP. Found lots of info on the one in picture A, but not so much on picture B. Mine is like picture B. Anyone know what the difference is? Is one a 2 cyl and one a 3 cyl?
  18. idruthrbfishin

    Transom replacement

    This boat requires a piece of wood 79" long, 24" wide, and 2" thick
  19. idruthrbfishin

    Boat Floor Question

    Everyone seems to be trying to figure out why your plywood didn't last.....I'll answer your original question. Use nothing thinner than 1/8th inch aluminum if you are not going to put anything under it. It is kinda heavy, but anything thinner will bend over time. Now.....if you were to cut and...
  20. idruthrbfishin

    Limber Holes

    Those ribs are open on the underside, yes? Like the drawing? I think your issue is that years of crud has accumulated between the underside of the rib and the hull, which is creating a dam of sorts. I'd get the pressure washer out and blast the crap out from in between before I'd drill anything.