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  1. bcritch

    Hello there

    Welcome back. Let's see some Muskies
  2. bcritch Facebook/Help Wanted I hit you both with a like....
  3. bcritch

    2010 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Winning number 197!

    212 I still have my Customer Crank Bait that I won on Christmas Day a few years ago in this giveaway :beer:
  4. bcritch

    New Jersey Giant

    AWESOME Catch =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
  5. bcritch

    For the Toyota Owners - Winner lswoody!

    I'm in..... I just bought my first Toyota last month. 2011 Toyota Tacoma pickup...
  6. bcritch

    Fantasy Football

    I'm on a roll. Two wins in a row. Movin up from the basement :LOL2:
  7. bcritch

    Fantasy Football

    Yeah, real nice isn't it. Why would they even consider bye weeks :?: :?:
  8. bcritch

    Lake Audrey

    Nice job Mr. Moo. I'm thinking about heading down there this weekend as well.
  9. bcritch

    Oak Pond (New Jersey)

  10. bcritch

    Oak Pond (New Jersey)

    I hit a local pond today that the State stocks with Trout in both the Spring and the Fall. 11AM - 2PM Mostly Sunny Air Temp 62 Winds NW 10 -20MPH Water Clear Water Temp 57 Fish- Zero Decided to head out late this morning after stuck in the house most of the past week sick as a dog. I had...
  11. bcritch

    Big Buck Down

    Now the two holes on the one side make sense :LOL2:
  12. bcritch

    Big Buck Down

    Nice.... Let's hear that story.
  13. bcritch

    Taking my daughter hunting this weekend.

    The best of luck to you and your daughter this weekend. My girls have been bow hunting with me for a few years now and my oldest (16) just pass her hunting test last weekend. We're going to check out a few of our stands this weekend.
  14. bcritch

    Giampietro Park

    Nice job Mr. Moo.......
  15. bcritch

    2010 Halloween Candy Corn Contest

  16. bcritch

    Week 5 Atco Double M's vs. Shamoo Nation

    Mr. Bassaddict will take care of you this week :LOL2:
  17. bcritch

    Week 5 Atco Double M's vs. Shamoo Nation

    You're going down dude :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :LOL2:
  18. bcritch

    Prayers please.

    You got it [-o<
  19. bcritch

    Non Stop smoking

    That looks tasty. I had some Smoked Pulled Pork sandwiches over the weekend.
  20. bcritch

    Crankbait fishing.

    I just make sure my line is tight after the hookup....