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  1. C

    Buy now or pay later?

    This is meant to be just for information. Please don't make the post about politics or I'll delete it myself. There is a good chance new tariffs will be put in place shortly after the new year. If you want something that is high ticket, you might want to make that purchase now. Come early in...
  2. C

    Powering your home during power outages

    This last hurricane got me thinking, a very dangerous thing. Where I live, I'm very fortunate to never have lost power more than 24 hours and we rarely loss power at all. But there are millions that routinely lose power for days on end. In a widespread black out it's even hard getting gas to...
  3. C

    VHF radios

    I don't imagine many that fish/boat on small lakes always carry a VHF with them. But for those of you that do, can you recommend one brand or model over others?
  4. C

    Closed loop cooling O/B or Mud motor

    I just came across this brand in another forum. For you guys that fish the swamps and back bays, this could be for you. It's expensive as hell, but with closed loop cooling it's interesting.
  5. C

    Careful fishing the bridges 8 missing!
  6. C

    What percentage of your boating is....

    What % of your boating is Fresh water Vs. Salt? What has it been historically for you?
  7. C

    10 HP restriction lakes?

    It's easy to see how officials on a lake can monitor out board use with the 10 HP restriction. However, and I know I'm nit picking here, but if you had an inboard jet with no markings on it, how do they verify the power or do they have the right to dismiss you out of hand? Mind you, I have no...
  8. C

    Tow capacity ?

    OK, I have discovered a dilemma. My SUV has a max tow rating of 4,000. The boat I am seeking is 3,900 lbs with outboard. I assume that is dry. Add fuel 54 gal max @ 6 pounds per is 325 pounds more, add the dual axle trailer and some gear and I'm sure I'm at 5,000 or more. I have no intention of...
  9. C

    Opinions needed on this rig. I don't think I particularly care for the etec aspect but it does say it's under factory warranty until 2029. So tear the offer apart, what is bad about it and what offer would you make.
  10. C

    Fresh water question

    If I docked an aluminum boat, no bottom paint in a river, fresh water water, what if anything would build up on the hull?
  11. C

    Spit balling new boat ideas

    I've been out of boating for a few years now. Life has changed for me (Back injury) but still have the itch to boat. I have a calm river near by my house (The Hackensack) and am thinking of getting back into the game. I have a wife and teen daughter that I'd like to take along on occasion. This...
  12. C

    Help FOR your toon.

    We were talking about hydrofoils on boats, thought some might want to look into this.
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    58 MPH for a 40 HP tiller and a normal size boat. (Normal for the power)
  14. C

    Adding a PAD

    Anyone ever added a lifting /running pad to their boat? Something to get the hull up out of the water for a bit more speed? (Kind of like an Allison)
  15. C

    Investing: Safe currency?

    I am not happy or feeling secure with the way the USD is heading. Politics aside, we all know there is a problem with continually printing money as we do. So I'm looking to position myself so that if the USD falls apart I won't take a complete hit. I figure some gold and silver to start, buy...
  16. C

    It's just biology, isn't it?

    Well, not to some. Professor doesn't know there's a difference between male and female skeletons. People pay to have him teach, lol.
  17. C

    Tenn. school shooting

    Media sure plays the narrative differently when it's one of theirs.
  18. C

    You get gifted an old outboard...

    Talking with an old friend, he's getting old, too old to do any small boating, he's got 2 older 2S 7.5 HP outboards, one from the mid 70's (Honda) the other I never got the brand but it is certainly from the 60's. These engines have not run for close to 20 years now, however they did when...
  19. C

    What is it worth? 25 HP E-Tec

    A guy near me is selling a "Brand New" 2020 25 HP E-Tec, no mention of warranty. It comes with a prop, he's asking $3,500, what do you all think? If one of you would like the details let me know.
  20. C

    Why not Diamond plating

    Taking the dog for a walk this AM when I come across a guy backing in a "barn find" jon boat into his driveway. The hull although dirty was in pretty good shape, a bunch of leaves and some branches too, a rotted out seat and a dry rot wheel at the helm. No engine on her and the carpet foredeck...