Thanks for the comments guys! It's been a long road, but I'm beginning to see the light, as the ...
Outside rear-most transom panel is ready!
And now I'm prepping the inside transom panel and supporting braces. The transom will be formed with 1-1/2" channel with the 2 skins or panels on either side. Across the bottom is the squared 'S'-shaped piece original to the boat, that Starcraft put in place to hold the bottom of the wood. This was stripped, cleaned, neutralized and then coated with zinc chromate and riveted back in place.
Essentially this structure will form a cofferdam that will be filled with the ceramic pourable compound. That main U-channel you see will have 3/4" holes bored all along the sides of the piece, not so much to lighten it, but to allow the semi-vicious (flows like honey or thick maple syrup) compound to not only weep through it, but around it and ALL over it to essentially mechanically LOCK it in place once the compound cures.
I'll have a hybrid transom, of aluminum outside and bracing, complete with a homegenous, synthetic compound that is totally impervious to rot or saltwater. Plus all internal aluminum will be encapsulated within it. I also plan to not cut down the height of the transom, as Starcraft had 3 heights across the stern ... full transom height, a step-down of 2" lower on each side for a good foot or more run to the center and then the cut-out height. I plan on leaving her full height, plus to narrow the OB opening.
Getting ready for the big pour
P.S. - I will say
either I got lucky or I'm good ... but I drew a centerline on my replacement transom piece and after riveting it permanently to the boat ... the line was not only square up and down ... but was
deads nut on the money ... not even 1/32" to the left or right ... when I would have been happy with +/- 1/8" or so ... but she was dead nuts CENTERED 8) .