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IRI 12-17 / 12-18 - 2009
Todd came down and picked me up around 9pm and we headed to IRI .
The water was cleaner than I have seen it since the dredging and winds were light from the North . Saw 1 truck out front so out back we go . As we walked up I saw a fish break right on the corner light
We both had a few bites early but no hookups .. its all good and was looking to be a decent night . We were plagued with no rip for quite awhile and as the tide slowly started out ..
Todd was right there too
We both ended up with 3 a piece before we headed to the rail . First attempt at the rail produced nothing but fish were popping so we headed around back .
I was telling Todd how cool it was to watch and sight fish for Flounder in Spring and 10 minutes or so later a Keeper sized Flounder ( I'd say atleast 19") swam right up to the waterline not more than a foot to my left .. It sits there motionless as I steady crank in my swimbait in hopes of getting a shot before I move and spooked the flat one .. I get my swimbait in and stick my rod tip right over the Flounder and drop the bait to the bottom in about 3" of water and it doesnt budge .. I could have just reached down and grabbed it or as Todd said I thought you were gonna step on it
Yeah it was that close
Anyhow I jigged it for about 10 seconds before it slowly began to swim off . If it was a bit warmer and I had my boots (yepp I forgot them) I would have just put "The Grip" on him but I wasnt chancing getting my sneakers wet . Cool to watch 
Later on Todd decides to take a walk and I have a nice Bluefish come right up to the Bulkhead chasing bait .. So now Todds quite a walk away and a nice 30"+ Striper comes in for a bite right at my feet .. Todd comes back and it comes in a few more times just inhaling bait like it was it last meal
So the last scene is where we see 6 to 9 inch Cobbs swimming right in front of us not to mention the ball of Silversides and few Sand Eels that frolicked around in front of us .
The second trip out to the rail was around 3am or so and the fish were still popping .. I nailed 2 on a 6" Bunker PM with one at 26.75" and the other about 21" .
Todds went to warm up in the truck and a few casts later I hook up again and crawl down the rocks to lip her and when I come back up theres Todd asking if I am ready ( He had to work ) I held up the fish and said Yepp what a great way to end the night
Watching that Flounder made my night the Stripers were a bonus tonight
Todd it was great to finally wet a line with you again .. Let make it happen again soon !
IRI 12-18 / 12-19-09
Sport and I hit the Inlet at about 10pm and Found Morty , Coop and Andy out front by the CG Station . Winds were stiff from the NE and it was downright CHILLY !
Sport and I first sat in the Truck and just watched until we picked out the familiar "gait" that could only be Morty
We all got out and shot the breeze for a bit and then Morty and Andy began to chuck and wind at the rail while I just watched and Coop and Sport talked shop .. Coop I didnt kow that was you either Bud but I do now
So Morty lands a fat schoolie after missing a nice bite .. The water was generally clean and the tide topping out with very little surface action .
Sport and I decide to go out back and find 2 guys there and not catching anything .. Sport goes down while I sit on the fence in the rain and wind and just watch .. There were LOTS of bird out there working and the dredging was silent but I only saw maybe 6 fish pop all night .
I finally get the keys from Sport and decided to sit in the truck and keep warm until it snows and hopefully those 2 guys would leave
Sport comes back awhile later and we head back to the rail and find Morty and Andy still at .. It was now 1 fish a piece for them so I got my rod out and gave it a whirl .. I made 20 or so casts without a bump ..
Finally around 1am or so the truck out back left and Sport and I headed back .. Good move too
Sport nailed about 4 or 5 schoolies and I got 2 with both being 25 to 26 inches and fat . We both missed a few as well but then it just died as the tide slowed .
We decided to call it a day at 3am and see what Mother Nature had install for us on the trip home .
The trip home got worse and worse the further North we went until we reached Dover and found a foot of snow .. It was a long painful drive I tell ya .. Hmm "Someone" is certainly cautious in the snow and at 35 MPH it took us awhile but bottom line is we both got home safe
I did snow removal for 20+ years and I truely love driving in the snow .. pretty good at it too so the trip was LONG

Its all white around here today
Had a total of 2 cars drive by all day and there is over a foot of snow with some good snow drift around .. I doubt it goes away anytime soon .
Great seeing everyone ..
Silver Lake 12-21-09
I was bored and itching to get out so a drove past the Training Area and found it frozen so I headed to the spillway . I found the gate locked and no attempts at clearing the road have been started so I made one last try and hit the Swimming Beach area and found the gate open but nothing Plowed here either .. The Sledders were having a blast
I walk to the spillway through 2 to 4 feet of snow and drifts and found the spillway completely open
Spent a few hours nailing small 3 to 5 inch Crappie and Gills . I only had one pair of UA socks on and with Steel Toes Rubber Boots my feet were aching from standing in the snow .. Called it a day at 3:30pm .
I get to my truck and find 2 idiots in trucks with plows trying to plow the beach .. Effing Idiots !
IRI 12-21 / 12-22-2009
Hit IRI at about 11pm and found high dirty water and freezing air temps .. Winds were supposed to be NW to WNW but were more like dead from the west . I sat by the rail and watched the surface for tell tale signs and saw nothing but foam balls ..
I head out back and land a small 13" Schoolie on the first cast and had another bite on the 2nd cast but no hookup . From that point it was dead for hours .. No signs of life at all .. No fish crashing and NO Baitfish !
I fished out back for about an hour or until I got frozen then warmed up in the truck and headed back out front to the rail and gave it a shot without a bite .. tried for about 45 minutes with a few different lures to no avail so I headed around back again and finished my coffee then headed back and tried again .. I did this again and again until the coffee was gone with no bites .
At about 4:30am I got another tap but missed it then picked up about 6 Schoolies in the next hour with all being 14 to 18 inches .. I figured I'd try out front one more time since I was catching and seeing some action but it was DEAD out front . I went back to try to catch a few more but a big van had was parked there so I just headed to Milton at 6am .
Coldest night of the year for sure .
I heard the water temps are low 30's near Masseys and was 40 to 42 in the inlet .. I think I hear the big GIRL singing !
Milton 12-22-09
Hit the Town Docks right before sunrise after freezing my arse off at IRI all night . The fish were popping but the tide was very very low .. atleast the water was clear and some fish did bite .
I harassed the Gills and a few Crappie for about an hour and then there just wasnt enough water left and it was still receding.
They would not touch the regulars plastics so I used Crappie Magnets and small 100oz jigheads with 1" White Twisters .
Garrisons Lake 12-22-09
Got home after Milton & IRI and wasnt ready to hit the home front yet so I figured I'd check the winter Crappie happenings at Garrisons .
They have not plowed here either and I had to park acrossed the Street at the "Bar" .
The Lake was Frozen .. so I fished the spillway side by the Bar and nailed some nice Crappie for about 2 hours before heading home at low tide .. I havent fished here for quite a few years but this was always my preference as most peopled piled up at the Spillway and there are just as many if not more fish by the bar
WALKING around there is DANGEROUS , Be careful if you go out .
Crappie were caught on a 2" Chart Twister .
IRI 12-23 / 12-24-09 ( X 2)
Hit IRI at about 10:30pm and found 1 other car in the CG lot so I decided to stay at the rail until they came out front and then possibly head back .
In the 1st hour I landed 4 Stripers about this size ..
The PM didnt let me down
Eddie was the guy who owned the car and he showed up out front about an hour after I got there and as he walked up I hooked up and landed this ..
29" and FAT !! ..
Things got quiet after that as I had only 1 other bite in the next hour or so ..
Tim showed up around 1am and we continued fishing the rail without another bite so Eddie and I headed out back where it was dead .. There was bait and clean water with little wind but no fish wanted to play .
I spotted this critter ..
We tried for about another hour without a bite so we went back to the rail . I landed another keeper ..
And 2 more TB's ..
The bounty ..
And finally a "New" Kitchen Shot

Missed one more and thats all for the night .. Eddie and I stayed until about 5:10am and Tim left for Wawa and was to return .. Me on the other hand went home and Sport pulled up within a minute after I arrived so I geared up and we went FW fishing ALL Day
This is the stomach contents from the fatter one .. the other fish was empty AND a Female , The Fatter one was full and a MALE .. Thats odd ..
12-24-09 Ice Everywhere .. Seaford
Sport picked me up right after I got home from IRI and we headed to Laurel to look for open water .. Stopped at 3 places only to find then ICED over ..
Plan "B" was a spillway so Seaford it was ..
We fished with Crappie Magnets , 1.75" & 2.5" Fin"S" and caught quite a few fish .. Gills , LMB , Yellow Perch and of course Crappie .. I even had a fat 4lb ish Pickerel bite me off .
We fish for about 5 hours ..
Sport didnt fair too well
I think I caught 3 or 4 to every fish he landed (maybe more
) .
Now I feel better about the last 2 trips to IRI with you Sport
Kicked your butt today and got 2 keepers last night .. LMAO !!
Whats that saying you and Tommy like SOOO much ??
"In your FACE" .. Sorry bro had to do it

When we stopped at the bank I saw this family .. Cool !
IRI 12-24 / 12-25 -09
Sport and I hit the Inlet at about 11pm and found the place deserted
We started at the rail with 6" Swimbaits and on my second cast on the drop I get a pick up .. Lasted a whole 3 seconds before it popped free .. It was a good sign though
I was throwing the 6" PM Bunker and had quite a few bites but only landed 1 schoolie approx 24" . Sport was using a different color swimbait and landed about 7 schoolies to 25" and missed a few as well .
The bite stopped out front so we tried out back without a bump so we returned to the rail .. I was having a hard time staying warm and I believe it was because my body was plain old TIRED .. I sat in the truck and watched Sport for awhile then he came to warm up and I went out stating when I lose the Swimbait I was done .. Sport did a double take and asked "You mean your done or done for the night?" I told him I'd be done for the night .. Took me 2 casts to lose it and I was done .
We made the trek home leaving IRI at 3:30am .. I sat here all night wishing I'd stayed ..
The rain and winds suck and now have melted the snow so the FW waters will be bad for a few days from the run off .
It was 53 degrees at midnight in Rehoboth last night and I wanted to go but the winds were 30+ from the East and my truck needs attention (EGR stuck) .. If the rain ever stops I know what I am doing first
I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL X-mas
Todd came down and picked me up around 9pm and we headed to IRI .
The water was cleaner than I have seen it since the dredging and winds were light from the North . Saw 1 truck out front so out back we go . As we walked up I saw a fish break right on the corner light
We both had a few bites early but no hookups .. its all good and was looking to be a decent night . We were plagued with no rip for quite awhile and as the tide slowly started out ..

Todd was right there too

We both ended up with 3 a piece before we headed to the rail . First attempt at the rail produced nothing but fish were popping so we headed around back .
I was telling Todd how cool it was to watch and sight fish for Flounder in Spring and 10 minutes or so later a Keeper sized Flounder ( I'd say atleast 19") swam right up to the waterline not more than a foot to my left .. It sits there motionless as I steady crank in my swimbait in hopes of getting a shot before I move and spooked the flat one .. I get my swimbait in and stick my rod tip right over the Flounder and drop the bait to the bottom in about 3" of water and it doesnt budge .. I could have just reached down and grabbed it or as Todd said I thought you were gonna step on it
Later on Todd decides to take a walk and I have a nice Bluefish come right up to the Bulkhead chasing bait .. So now Todds quite a walk away and a nice 30"+ Striper comes in for a bite right at my feet .. Todd comes back and it comes in a few more times just inhaling bait like it was it last meal
So the last scene is where we see 6 to 9 inch Cobbs swimming right in front of us not to mention the ball of Silversides and few Sand Eels that frolicked around in front of us .
The second trip out to the rail was around 3am or so and the fish were still popping .. I nailed 2 on a 6" Bunker PM with one at 26.75" and the other about 21" .
Todds went to warm up in the truck and a few casts later I hook up again and crawl down the rocks to lip her and when I come back up theres Todd asking if I am ready ( He had to work ) I held up the fish and said Yepp what a great way to end the night

Watching that Flounder made my night the Stripers were a bonus tonight
Todd it was great to finally wet a line with you again .. Let make it happen again soon !
IRI 12-18 / 12-19-09
Sport and I hit the Inlet at about 10pm and Found Morty , Coop and Andy out front by the CG Station . Winds were stiff from the NE and it was downright CHILLY !
Sport and I first sat in the Truck and just watched until we picked out the familiar "gait" that could only be Morty
We all got out and shot the breeze for a bit and then Morty and Andy began to chuck and wind at the rail while I just watched and Coop and Sport talked shop .. Coop I didnt kow that was you either Bud but I do now
So Morty lands a fat schoolie after missing a nice bite .. The water was generally clean and the tide topping out with very little surface action .
Sport and I decide to go out back and find 2 guys there and not catching anything .. Sport goes down while I sit on the fence in the rain and wind and just watch .. There were LOTS of bird out there working and the dredging was silent but I only saw maybe 6 fish pop all night .
I finally get the keys from Sport and decided to sit in the truck and keep warm until it snows and hopefully those 2 guys would leave
Sport comes back awhile later and we head back to the rail and find Morty and Andy still at .. It was now 1 fish a piece for them so I got my rod out and gave it a whirl .. I made 20 or so casts without a bump ..
Finally around 1am or so the truck out back left and Sport and I headed back .. Good move too
Sport nailed about 4 or 5 schoolies and I got 2 with both being 25 to 26 inches and fat . We both missed a few as well but then it just died as the tide slowed .
We decided to call it a day at 3am and see what Mother Nature had install for us on the trip home .
The trip home got worse and worse the further North we went until we reached Dover and found a foot of snow .. It was a long painful drive I tell ya .. Hmm "Someone" is certainly cautious in the snow and at 35 MPH it took us awhile but bottom line is we both got home safe
I did snow removal for 20+ years and I truely love driving in the snow .. pretty good at it too so the trip was LONG
Its all white around here today
Great seeing everyone ..
Silver Lake 12-21-09
I was bored and itching to get out so a drove past the Training Area and found it frozen so I headed to the spillway . I found the gate locked and no attempts at clearing the road have been started so I made one last try and hit the Swimming Beach area and found the gate open but nothing Plowed here either .. The Sledders were having a blast
I walk to the spillway through 2 to 4 feet of snow and drifts and found the spillway completely open
Spent a few hours nailing small 3 to 5 inch Crappie and Gills . I only had one pair of UA socks on and with Steel Toes Rubber Boots my feet were aching from standing in the snow .. Called it a day at 3:30pm .
I get to my truck and find 2 idiots in trucks with plows trying to plow the beach .. Effing Idiots !
IRI 12-21 / 12-22-2009
Hit IRI at about 11pm and found high dirty water and freezing air temps .. Winds were supposed to be NW to WNW but were more like dead from the west . I sat by the rail and watched the surface for tell tale signs and saw nothing but foam balls ..
I head out back and land a small 13" Schoolie on the first cast and had another bite on the 2nd cast but no hookup . From that point it was dead for hours .. No signs of life at all .. No fish crashing and NO Baitfish !
I fished out back for about an hour or until I got frozen then warmed up in the truck and headed back out front to the rail and gave it a shot without a bite .. tried for about 45 minutes with a few different lures to no avail so I headed around back again and finished my coffee then headed back and tried again .. I did this again and again until the coffee was gone with no bites .
At about 4:30am I got another tap but missed it then picked up about 6 Schoolies in the next hour with all being 14 to 18 inches .. I figured I'd try out front one more time since I was catching and seeing some action but it was DEAD out front . I went back to try to catch a few more but a big van had was parked there so I just headed to Milton at 6am .
Coldest night of the year for sure .
I heard the water temps are low 30's near Masseys and was 40 to 42 in the inlet .. I think I hear the big GIRL singing !
Milton 12-22-09
Hit the Town Docks right before sunrise after freezing my arse off at IRI all night . The fish were popping but the tide was very very low .. atleast the water was clear and some fish did bite .
I harassed the Gills and a few Crappie for about an hour and then there just wasnt enough water left and it was still receding.
They would not touch the regulars plastics so I used Crappie Magnets and small 100oz jigheads with 1" White Twisters .
Garrisons Lake 12-22-09
Got home after Milton & IRI and wasnt ready to hit the home front yet so I figured I'd check the winter Crappie happenings at Garrisons .
They have not plowed here either and I had to park acrossed the Street at the "Bar" .
The Lake was Frozen .. so I fished the spillway side by the Bar and nailed some nice Crappie for about 2 hours before heading home at low tide .. I havent fished here for quite a few years but this was always my preference as most peopled piled up at the Spillway and there are just as many if not more fish by the bar
WALKING around there is DANGEROUS , Be careful if you go out .
Crappie were caught on a 2" Chart Twister .
IRI 12-23 / 12-24-09 ( X 2)
Hit IRI at about 10:30pm and found 1 other car in the CG lot so I decided to stay at the rail until they came out front and then possibly head back .
In the 1st hour I landed 4 Stripers about this size ..

The PM didnt let me down

Eddie was the guy who owned the car and he showed up out front about an hour after I got there and as he walked up I hooked up and landed this ..

29" and FAT !! ..

Things got quiet after that as I had only 1 other bite in the next hour or so ..
Tim showed up around 1am and we continued fishing the rail without another bite so Eddie and I headed out back where it was dead .. There was bait and clean water with little wind but no fish wanted to play .
I spotted this critter ..

We tried for about another hour without a bite so we went back to the rail . I landed another keeper ..

And 2 more TB's ..

The bounty ..

And finally a "New" Kitchen Shot

Missed one more and thats all for the night .. Eddie and I stayed until about 5:10am and Tim left for Wawa and was to return .. Me on the other hand went home and Sport pulled up within a minute after I arrived so I geared up and we went FW fishing ALL Day
This is the stomach contents from the fatter one .. the other fish was empty AND a Female , The Fatter one was full and a MALE .. Thats odd ..

12-24-09 Ice Everywhere .. Seaford
Sport picked me up right after I got home from IRI and we headed to Laurel to look for open water .. Stopped at 3 places only to find then ICED over ..
Plan "B" was a spillway so Seaford it was ..
We fished with Crappie Magnets , 1.75" & 2.5" Fin"S" and caught quite a few fish .. Gills , LMB , Yellow Perch and of course Crappie .. I even had a fat 4lb ish Pickerel bite me off .
We fish for about 5 hours ..
Sport didnt fair too well
Now I feel better about the last 2 trips to IRI with you Sport
Whats that saying you and Tommy like SOOO much ??
"In your FACE" .. Sorry bro had to do it

When we stopped at the bank I saw this family .. Cool !

IRI 12-24 / 12-25 -09
Sport and I hit the Inlet at about 11pm and found the place deserted
We started at the rail with 6" Swimbaits and on my second cast on the drop I get a pick up .. Lasted a whole 3 seconds before it popped free .. It was a good sign though
I was throwing the 6" PM Bunker and had quite a few bites but only landed 1 schoolie approx 24" . Sport was using a different color swimbait and landed about 7 schoolies to 25" and missed a few as well .
The bite stopped out front so we tried out back without a bump so we returned to the rail .. I was having a hard time staying warm and I believe it was because my body was plain old TIRED .. I sat in the truck and watched Sport for awhile then he came to warm up and I went out stating when I lose the Swimbait I was done .. Sport did a double take and asked "You mean your done or done for the night?" I told him I'd be done for the night .. Took me 2 casts to lose it and I was done .
We made the trek home leaving IRI at 3:30am .. I sat here all night wishing I'd stayed ..
The rain and winds suck and now have melted the snow so the FW waters will be bad for a few days from the run off .
It was 53 degrees at midnight in Rehoboth last night and I wanted to go but the winds were 30+ from the East and my truck needs attention (EGR stuck) .. If the rain ever stops I know what I am doing first
I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL X-mas