Sorry for the lack of updates, weather has been more winter than spring...
I have been doing a lot of figuring out for the inside, I will be adding a small 14" wide floor between the middle and front bench (just enough to stand and walk between the 2 benches), which will add about 4lbs to the boat.
I also flipped the boat and wire brushed, sanded then polished the bottom of the boat (one side yesterday, one side about to go do today):
The right side isn't wet.. it's just a nice unified color, with a slight mirror effect (didn't want too much reflect).
Crappy rain/ice mix weather we're having. Once again shiny shows defects but it won't be that visible, still looks better even with the dings showing.
Now another thing I didn't think I needed but do... we had rain, boat was outside...water filling up... and there is no factory drain plug.. So thinking about installing one, looking between those 3 (I have prime shipping):
One is stronger (copper) but hard to put in/remove, the other 2 are a bit weaker, but smaller and would be closer to the bottom of the boat and also a lot easier to put in/remove. I don't have that much space and thinking the copper one won't fit because of how my transom is.
Now my problem is that the transom support is in the way:
I am thinking the Attwood or Seachoice plug since they're smaller and I am very limited in space on the transom
I have been doing a lot of figuring out for the inside, I will be adding a small 14" wide floor between the middle and front bench (just enough to stand and walk between the 2 benches), which will add about 4lbs to the boat.
I also flipped the boat and wire brushed, sanded then polished the bottom of the boat (one side yesterday, one side about to go do today):
The right side isn't wet.. it's just a nice unified color, with a slight mirror effect (didn't want too much reflect).

Crappy rain/ice mix weather we're having. Once again shiny shows defects but it won't be that visible, still looks better even with the dings showing.
Now another thing I didn't think I needed but do... we had rain, boat was outside...water filling up... and there is no factory drain plug.. So thinking about installing one, looking between those 3 (I have prime shipping):

One is stronger (copper) but hard to put in/remove, the other 2 are a bit weaker, but smaller and would be closer to the bottom of the boat and also a lot easier to put in/remove. I don't have that much space and thinking the copper one won't fit because of how my transom is.
Now my problem is that the transom support is in the way:

I am thinking the Attwood or Seachoice plug since they're smaller and I am very limited in space on the transom