1542 weldcraft make over


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2013
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Slidell, Louisiana
had this boat for a while.. been fishing out of it just plain, and wired temporary... tired of tripping over ribs and slipping on slippery wet aluminum...

waterlogged foam under the front deck made tge front very heavy and float now heavy...

decided to cut out the front deck, remove foam, and replace deck.... had a good plan to leave 1 inch all the way around--- then bolt flat bar to the underside of remaining lip, then drill and tap holes to replace deck.., plan worked...

but I decided to scrap it and build a wood deck and make a storage compartment... under the front deck there was a small access hole, then a baffle or divider, then a hollow air space... only the very front 2 parts had foam.. tons of dead space to me.. so I removed the little divider, and my storage will be 2 ribs, and I'll replace foam in the front part...

also decided to cut in to the back bench and make storage... that had waterlogged foam too.. I will say, weldcraft put plenty of flotation in this boat but after sitting in weather for many years it got waterlogged and super heavy... I filled a 55 gallon trash bag that weighed over 100 pounds-- foam!!

I have wires ran--6 gauge on starboard side for trolling motor, 2-10 gauge on port side for depth finder and nav light.. I made an access hole and cover plate on the bow to access/hide my wiring..

my trolling motor was mounted to the now with some rubber anchor bolts but it was always shaking and working loose--drive me insane having to tighten bolts back down every other trip.. made a visit to a local fab shop and had them build me a riser do I could through bolt it solid with lock nuts underneath...it is rock solid now...

at this point-- I have floor made, trolling motor mount complete, holes drilled for tm plug, now nav light socket, paint touch ups, wires ran, need to finish building a deck, (deck is cut out, storage hatch framed, need to finish supporting it, need to finish designing/constructing rear storage, carpet.. started carpet on floor but having fits with wrapping in the U shaped notches--thinking about stripping it and starting over with installing floor, then carpet.. I'm not crazy about the carpet I bought anyhow...


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got me a front hatch made and fitted... gonna be a nice storage box...

also got my back hatch lids mounted back.. need to do a little more structural support....cut out foam board for under my floor between the ribs... I'm ready to get this thing done...


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finally got deck, floor, and side panels done... carpet, done... wire is pulled pulled for trolling motor, front fish finder, bow light, and 2 small courtesy lights...and I also pulled an extra 2 wires to the front for something in the future if needed...

still gotta make wire terminations, and reinstall my trolling motor, and accessories... gotta figure out how to power everything...

I'm moving my battery into my rear storage, and only had a trolling motor and fish finder before.. so now I bought a 4 spot fuse block.. gotta rig up a power cable to that, then run from fuse block to switches... I'm not 100% confident in this setup but I can rework it later if I decide I don't like it..

I really really prefer to keep things as simple as possible but I really want 2 fish finders, have to have nav lights, and some interior lights would be nice.. oh yeah, and a bilge pump!!

I'm gonna add some seats to the rear bench for driving/boat riding.. no seat on deck though.. I only stand when I fish...

I also bought me a transom saver.. had to cut it down to make it got without having motor jacked up too high... I don't think I really needed it, just liked the thought..

im still gonna make me a little side mini console/dash pod to mount my second fish finder, switches, drink holder, and a space for a stereo later... extra room next to fish finder to mount a compass or my handheld GPS...


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thanks... it's wood, so it's kind of disposable... but it should last a few years... I'm fine with that.. I went with lightest stuff I can find... I didn't add much weight... but I eliminated 150 pounds of foam... I feel good about it...

I'm a little unhappy with my hatch.. I recessed it to sit flush but after I put carpet, it don't wanna sit flush anymore... I should've recessed it more to compensate for carpet thickness... I'm gonna live with it.. I put a latch/hasp that will pull/hold it down, and hopefully the carpet will in time flatten out in the joint/channel...
other than 1 or 2 more minor things, it's done.... gotta wire in my switch/fuse panel... gonna try this cooler set up for a couple trips... thinking about building a little grab bar/mini console...

overall, I'm pleased... afterthought, black carpet looks cool but shows every little speck of dirt...

pics... loaded to go fishing... all my tackle it stored out of sight I the front compartment.. that's my absolute most favorite thing!!


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gotta regroup on my transducer in the rear... I mounted too low... water squirts up like a jet ski rooster tail.. some trickles in to the hull at speed...

no other noticeable problems... I think I'm fine on weight... nothing noticed...

fished till dark, so got to test out my running lights... not a big problem not having a switch.. very easy to open battery compartment and hook up the alligator clips to turn the lights on...

the new trolling motor mount is an absolute dream, can't believe I didn't do it a year a ago!! and I'm proud of my rigging... all my wires are hidden...

boat fishes great... caught several chunky marsh bass, and quite a few small redfish... (typical for south Louisiana)


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Thanks I'm very pleased with how it came out.. Been distracted lately doing a little restore/custom paint job on another motor that I got a steal of a deal on.. Pretty time consuming...


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Very good read and boat looks great! When I saw the red I had to check your location....
Right down the road in Pearl River. Waiting on some funds to start my weld craft build. Thx for sharing
Cool deal..

Yeah, in my eyes, weld craft builds pretty much the best there is when it comes to aluminum boats... Not too heavy but can take some abuse if needed.. This mod v has a very surprising choppy water ride... I've only ever had straight flat bottoms... I does float a little deeper but not enough to be a deal breaker... I can still push it off a flat by myself if I get hung up..
My distraction for the past week... I'm calling it done... Got some custom decals I'm gonna put on it tomorrow.. Then it's going on my boat while my other gets worked on..


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Done... Other than the rubber seal that I can't find... Gonna try building up rubber tape... Time to swap them out and go fishing now!! This one will probably be for sale in. a few weeks...

I don't know why all my pics come out sideways on here..


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